Allow me to introduce you to the twinkle in my sister's eye. His name is Higgins. (Yep, as in the butler from Magnum P.I.) He weighs over half my body weight, adores my sister, and wiggles his whole body when he's happy because he has no tail. Louis, my future brother-in-law and Leanne, my sister, dropped by on their way to Houston Tuesday night. They live in Florida, but Louis' office was destroyed thanks to Hurricane Wilma so they are going to be living in Houston for a while. They packed up a few clothes, all the meat in their freezer, and this little hairball to relocate to H-town. I always love seeing them for a few reasons. One, they're family and I don't have any in these parts, no blood relation anyway. Two, Louis loves Leanne and I enjoy seeing my sister interact with the man who's going to hang out with her for the next 60 or so years. And last but not least, they are a little crazy. Everyone needs a dose of crazy in their lives every so often to shake things up a bit.
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