Tonight I did something I've never done before. I thanked a child for praying for me. His name is Brennan. He's been praying for me for about nine weeks. Which is the length of time I've been job hunting here in BR. When his mother told him that I'd gotten a job, he did an arm pump and a "Yyyyyyeeeesssss."
Brennan, although young, can pray employment into your life. He's prayed for quite a few people in his cg to find jobs, and they have. He prayed for me to find a job, and one found me. I'm certainly not saying that Brennan is all-powerful. But I recognize child-like faith when I see it. Especially in a child. Its humbling to have such a young heart lift me up in prayer and expect great things from the heart of God for me. Its also very encouraging for me to see God loving on him by showing Brennan what He can do.
Brennan, although young, can pray employment into your life. He's prayed for quite a few people in his cg to find jobs, and they have. He prayed for me to find a job, and one found me. I'm certainly not saying that Brennan is all-powerful. But I recognize child-like faith when I see it. Especially in a child. Its humbling to have such a young heart lift me up in prayer and expect great things from the heart of God for me. Its also very encouraging for me to see God loving on him by showing Brennan what He can do.
Nine and a half weeks. That's how long Brennan, among others, were praying for me. And apparently its the amount of time it takes for me to give my job hunt over to Him. Ah, trust-building exercises. I have a love-hate attitude for them. I love the results, hate the amount of time it takes for me to stop being a control freak and start thanking Him for when the rain falls in my life.
However, that being said, wow God rocks. I mean really. I'm trying to get into the discipline of thanking Him for the crap in my life instead of whining and wanting Him to fix it. And believe me, its a discipline for me. It doesn't come naturally for me to praise Him in the middle of my struggles. Others, heck yes, because I know He's going to do something great, but for me I have to actively tell myself to give it over to Him. Give every piece of it over then thank Him for it, and really mean it instead of just giving Him lip service.
Sometimes I treat God like a microwave. I expect a piping hot miracle in 30 seconds or less. Well, God, luckily for me, doesn't work on my timetable. And the thing I've noticed about this whole job hunt thing is that when I was thanking Him for not getting me a job yet, and really meaning it, the big intimidating issue of not having a job became less intimidating and not really an issue at all. There was that still small part of my heart that knew He was going to do something great. And He did. All I needed to do was give, trust, rely, thank, and glorify. Gosh I hope I've grown a bit through this. I want to be who He's calling me to be, and once again, He's not doing it on my schedule. But He's shaping me nonetheless and definitely keeps my life interesting.
As long as He's my focus, I'm sure everything is going to be right as rain. Even when a few raindrops fall...
As long as He's my focus, I'm sure everything is going to be right as rain. Even when a few raindrops fall...
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