September 24, 2005

7 Year Olds Pack a Punch

So I got taken out by a 7 year old. Yeah, it kind of hurts my pride a wee bit. I've been volunteering at a shelter for the past month now and love every minute of it. Even the rainy days which are crazy because the little ones run around like banshees when we have to take them inside. The kids have found a new game they like to play. Its called jump on someone's back unexpectedly. Now, this game is fine if you are a strong dude who can take it. We have a fabulous bunch of men who volunteer. They have good hearts and you can tell because they are gentle with the little ones and can rough house with the bigger boys. I'm great at cuddling and loving on them. Not so much with the rough housing. After a few days of them jumping on me my ribs were a little sore. Ok, I knew I had a day off coming up so I'd just take it easy. Turns out that a few volunteers were sick or couldn't come so I decided to come on my day off. I made it through the day, and then the last 20 minutes or so a 7 year old was crying about a toy she wanted to play with. So I picked her up and hugged her until she started giggling. Well, then she decided that I was lots of fun and didn't want to get down, so she locks her legs. Ok, fine. I'll just tell her to let go. She doesn't want to. So then begins a battle of getting her off me without hurting her or myself. An older kid decides to help me out. So he starts tugging on her. When he jerks her, she locks her legs around my ribcage. So he then jerks harder. I try not to scream in pain and get her off me at the same time. Finally she lets go.

Four x-rays and a few bruised ribs later and I'm taking a few days off from volunteering. Is it a bad sign that things pop when I laugh?


Wayj said...

Yikes, are you ok?

Alli Miller said...

I think so. I wasn't able to get into my doctor's office because of the storm. So I've just got them wrapped and am taking drugs every 4 to 6 hours.

I'm milking it for all its worth. ;)

Wayj said...

good! if you're not still milking it by the time i get there, i'll be disappointed. so you've got roughly two weeks to keep it up.