November 09, 2005


Hmm. There's nothing fun and weird happening right now this week. I mean there is stuff going on but its not jet enough to actually blog about. So what's in my life worth blogging? How about my favorite characteristics of the Man Upstairs? That's right, I'm gonna make a list of why God is the love of my life. Here we go:

I love God because:

He loved me first.

He has a fabulous sense of humor. (i.e. a giraffe? hilarious.)

He is stable.

He is faithful.

He gave His pride and joy for me. (i.e. that Jesus kid. Don't know who I'm talking about? Check out John 3:16.)

He makes me smile.

He is gentle.

He is ferocious.

He randomly sweeps me off my feet.

He randomly smacks me upside the head.

He's still shaping me.

He is mighty.

He gives fantastic hugs.

Alright, that's it for the whole 5 minute brainstorming I did for this list. I expect all of you to add to it. Why does God light up your life?


nathan said...

Ditto on all that.

He allows me to make mistakes and doesn't yell at me or make fun of me when I do (though I probably wouldn't understand if He did cause it would probably be in Aramaic or something)(thanks for that one Josh)

His creation was made for us to enjoy

He sustains me and He is my strength

He is a warrior

Alli Miller said...

What does Josh have to do with God possibly yellin' at you in Aramaic?

nathan said...

A few months ago, Josh was talking about how God doesn't make fun of us when we screw up and as an aside made the comment that we probably wouldn't understand because it would be in Hebrew or Aramaic. I had to give props.

mreddie said...

I am in agreement with your list and would like to comment on several items. I've been around awhile and He's still shaping me - sometimes it's a bit injurious - but mostly in the pride department. I also still need a slap upside the head on occasion - and He supplies - in a loving, educational sort of way. I'm reminded of His sense of humor every time I look in the mirror - most of the wrinkles there are the ones caused by excessive smiling. This because of the joy He placed inside that demands to be shown. Nathan mentioned His creation and this is a big ticket item for me as well, particularly the colors. Even when I just look out my window at the garden that has past its prime. The yellow of the few remaining marigolds and the deep pink and orange of the leftover zinnias charges my batteries. On top of all this is the changing colors of the leaves nearby - everything from deep red all the way to bright yellow are represented in my yard. All that remains for me is to be amazed and you better believe I do my part at that - daily. Sometimes I say wow a lot!! ec

Lanie Dinecola said...

There are so many ways He amazes me that I forget what they are. My favorite is that He created me. He took all of this time to think me up and to make me this way with all of my characteristics and that as imperfect as I am... I was created in a way that can bring Him glory. That in all of my madness and incapability to do anything worthy... I can worship Him because that is exactly what I was created for..

ann said...

ec - whoever you are - we are blessed to have you join us. you are welcome in this place - in our community. thank you for opening yourself to us.

if i had to narrow it down to one thing that i love about THE MAN it would be that He constantly pursues me - He loves me with an everlasting love - and He is the only One i can trust or depend on at all times. ok, so that may be more than one thing, but what can i say? He's a huge, everwhelming, all-consuming, warrior God and He blows me away, all the time.

"Dangerous, wild, unfettered and free." that's my Man!

Anonymous said...

I love your phrase about how he continually sweeps you off your feet. I think that is one of my favorite aspects of God. His presence is so continuous. "He is holy, he is wise, he is the only one who knows all my heart's desires. He is the peace that shatters all my fears."