November 23, 2005

My Sense of Humor?!

Its been brought to my attention recently that my sense of humor doesn't really translate too well to the written word. Wisecracks about my physical appearance, family, marital status, race, interests, etc. are meant to be lighthearted and jolly. I'm nothing if not lighthearted and jolly, but I'm also not a writer. For heaven's sake, I've got a science degree. I think God gave me the ability to laugh at myself so I take the opportunity to see the lighter side of life as much as possible. However, if my humor has not come across as is intended, my apologies. I amuse myself daily and this blog really is just my randomness about my life with a steaming side of funny. At least, that's my intent.

If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended:
That you have but slumbered here,
While these visions did appear;
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend.
If you pardon, we will mend.

See? I can write! Ha, not really, that's Bill. He's pretty good at the whole writing thing. Its a quote from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Not my fav Shakespeare play, but definitely top five....


mreddie said...

It seems to me that your humor comes across very well. Case in point, the guy with the beer and chaw when you were stopped by the train (several blogs back).

I thought this was absolutely hilarious, and in my mind I could almost see him hitch up his pants as he got back in the truck. It did give me a queasy feeling thinking about him mixing the beer with the disgusting brown juice. Maybe he spit before he took another swig. :)

OK - enough word pictures, I still have to eat again today.

My sense of humor seems to translate into silliness, whether in person or in writing. But that is just something my wife has to live with - bless her tolerant heart. ec

nathan said...

I love your sense of humor and have had several laugh out loud moments when reading your blog. I think you do a great job of translating your sense of humor to the page(or screen in this case). And, I laugh at myself all the time. I think it's a way for God to help me keep my perspective when I start to get too prideful.