November 22, 2005

Uh, Thanks?

I don't know if you've heard, but Thanksgiving is Thursday. No, I won't be going to my parent's house. I think this is the part where God strikes me with lightening for not going to them this holiday. It's not a tale of woe and sorrow that I won't be there. It's a 13 hour drive. That's not a typo, Texas really is a big state. And they live on the far side of it. Having said that, I adore my family. In fact, I will be spending all week with them on a ship during Christmas, so I can get all the family time I want then. It will be me, my sister, my sister's fiance, my mother and my father. Yeah, do the math on that. Odd man out? I think so....Moving on. In honor of the whole idea of giving thanks, here's what I'm thankful for.

God. Family. Friends. The Ring. Music. My Community Group. Taco Bell. Laughter. Hamburgers. Worship. Puppies. Books. Opportunities to serve. Unexpected care from random people in my life. Rocky Road Ice Cream. Freedom. Mission trips. Playing with kids, then returning them to whomever they belong to. Shoes. My Roomie. Movies. My job. My hair, yes, I complain and cut it off, but it's a great conversation starter.

And last but certainly not least, I'm thankful for........You!


ann said...

It's so sad that we get so lost in our busy-ness (read: I get so lost in my busy-ness) that we don't stop to think about these things in any meaningful way. Yes, I pray - almost unceasingly - and I thank Him for many things. But to take some time to think about them and to write them out - well, that makes it seem somehow more sincere.

Let's see - I'm thankful for my Lord, my pastor, His provision, my friends, my accoutability partners that sharpen and encourage me, 2 good legs, a dependable vehicle, a job that drives me nuts but keeps me always in learning mode and a church that does the same. I'm thankful for opportunities to serve, to be Christ in someone's life, for warm southern air and salt water fishing. Mountains and canyons (physical and spiritual), books, music, NO's and YES's and WAIT's.

I could go on and on, but I guess if it came down to it - I'm thankful for His grace that positively covers my life.

"Amazing love, how can it be, that You, my King, would die for me?"

I don't mean to sound super-spiritual, but I was reading over my list, and there are a zillion things I could name, so I sat here, re-thinking the question.

I think, most of all, I'm thankful for the NO's. He gracefully declines, and I am a better person for it.

mreddie said...

Rocky Road, yum, but then I'm also thankful for just plain vanilla, if it is either homemade or Breyers, with real vanilla bean specks. The wife and I can also play with "grands" and send them home - but those little critters are such a hoot!

I would be thankful for hair too - if I had any. I'm left with just a bit around the sides - I call it my lunatic fringe.

Many, many things are on my thankful list but greatest of all is my Savior. It's almost incomprehensible that He would love me that much.

I know it will be tough to not be home for Thanksgiving, but have a good Thanksgiving in spite of it, because your Father and Elder Brother will be there to keep you company. ec

nathan said...

I'm thankful for the family, both here in West Virginia and in Baton Rouge, that He has blessed me with. You guys and gals have made the red stick my home (much to the dismay of my parents) and I love you all for that. I'm very thankful for the way He works in my life, the gentle pats on the back and the not-so gentle boot to the head, it just shows me how involved He wants to be in my life.

I'm also thankful for low humidity, books, animals, nature, oreos and pepsi, corrective lenses and music.

Alli Miller said...

How did I manage to forget Pepsi?! Nathan, you're a lifesaver!! Maybe you coke fans are finally getting to me...

Ann, you never cease to amaze me with your spiritual view of things, very cool my dear.

Mr. Eddie, have a fabuluous Thanksgiving with your clan. It sounds like they are absolutely lovely.

Kirk, I'd much rather play with my family than "look for love." I'm not worried about that stuff. It'll find me...Have a wonderful holiday with your family.