March 26, 2006

Two Steppin' in My Living Room

Alright, LSU won. The boys are in the final four. The game was yesterday. UT vs. LSU. Ok, having been born in Bryan, Texas, I'm genetically predisposed to be an Aggie fan. Which means UT is the enemy. However, when a Texas team plays anybody else, its my duty, as is every other Texans, to root for the Texan team. Longhorns or not, they are from Texas.

On my way to watch the game I was in the grocery store picking up some munchies. My sister called and I asked her who she was rooting for with the game. There was a moment of silence and then she said, "Uh, hello? Texas! And I can't believe you'd even suggest otherwise." So I very cowardly tried to cop out saying, "Well, I do live in Louisiana and a lot of the people I know and love went to LSU." But it was no use, she said my citizenship to Texas would be revoked if I cheered for LSU. And LSU won. It wasn't pretty. But they won. And I secretly cheered. (Don't tell my family.)

Friends have so graciously reminded me that I'm in Louisiana and should act as such. I've got a Louisiana license, voter registration card, even my license plate says Louisiana. But I'm a Texan through and through. I don't think I'm obnoxious about it. Believe me, I've met "those" Texans before. And I could see how people might get the wrong impression. But I'm nice, I'm fun, I just happen to be from Texas. I think it's in my favor that I'm a Texan. Speaking of, I met a fellow Texan today in Sunday School. Yes, my face lit up when I asked him where he was from and he said Texas. Its just ingrained in all of us. I don't know how to explain it. And yes, my dearest and closest friends just love to rib me about the Texan thing. But I think I take it in stride. I love them even more for recognizing that I come from a better state than they do...

After church, watching TV, there was a Texan horse rancher getting a remake of his home for his new family. Horse stuff was everywhere. Very much the stereotypical Texan cowboy. Stubborn, set in his ways, yet knows how to treat his lady. They showed him and his whole family riding. It made me think of riding in the sand dunes behind our house in Monahans when I was a whole lot younger. Ah, good times. It's been quite a while since I've spent a good amount of time on a horse. Gosh, the last time must have been my junior year in college. I spent a month in Mexico and we all went riding. Good times. There's just something great about being on a horse in the middle of nowhere. Somehow I feel closer to God when I'm on a horse, the wind blowing my hair, trying to race the sunset. I can't explain it very well.

Yeah, yeah, so I like riding. I also like two stepping. But usually only in my living room. Dancing in public ain't my cup of tea. And I don't even two step very well. I'm not even sure these kids here in Louisiana know what two steppin' is. So I guess in some aspects I'm a stereotypical Texan. My mom says when I get pregnant I've got to drive the three hours to the border so our children are born Texans. Hmm. I hope my husband has a sense of humor...


mreddie said...

Let's see - basketball, riding horses, two stepping and Texas younguns - yep, good post. ec

Alli Miller said...

Thanks Mr. Eddie!

I've noticed a slightly disturbing trend in the fact that my posts get longer and longer these days. Old age must be kickin' in.