April 17, 2006


I sleep on my back. Which is not really that unusual that I know of. I've done it all my life, and don't plan on switching techniques anytime soon. This is not relative to the story until a little later...

In our room in Mexico we had 10 girls. Plus their air mattresses, sleeping bags, suitcases, backpacks, random clothing lying around, etc. It was a plethora of girliness when you walked into our room. Which I found funny every time I walked in. Knowing full well some of that girly stuff belonged to yours truly.

There is a wonderful thing in Mexico called siesta. It's usually right after lunch. And it's just an hour or two of relaxation. For me, it means catnapping. Well, a few other girls had the same idea one day. So there are about six of us just knocked out. I'm laying there, eyes closed and wake up discovering that I'm hungry. For those of you who hang out with me a lot, you know I'm up for food pretty much anytime. I'll never eat a lot, but I'll eat every two to three hours. Well, I wake up from my catnap and decide it's time to forage. I'd expected this attack of the munchies so I'd grabbed a package of strawberry poptarts before I hit the hay. (Notice I said strawberry and NOT cherry. Cherry is the worst flavor. Ever.) Moving on.

So I wake up, still lying on my back, reach to my left with my eyes still closed, open the package, and start nibbling on a poptart. All of a sudden, Courtney comes and plops on the air mattress and starts talking to me. I put on my glasses and kind of wonder why she just all of a sudden feels the need to come over, but I don't say anything about it. Turns out, she thought I was eating in my sleep. "Sleepeating" if you will. I look at her and say, huh? She says, "Well, you had your eyes closed. And then you started eating a poptart, so I thought you were asleep. So I came over to your bed to see if you were conscious." I start laughing and tell her that I'm blind without my glasses, so I just keep my eyes closed.

Sleepeating. Now that's funny.

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