June 25, 2006

Fatty's Surprise Wedding

My sister was married yesterday on the beach.
The new husband and wife duo played in the water just after the hitchin'.
Also present was my parents' granddog, Higgins.


Anonymous said...

that is fantastic.. but i was looking forward to seeing the maid of honor.. i heard she looked hott! haha

Alli Miller said...

The title is old maid of honor.

Eh, I looked ok. But she was stunning, wasn't she?!

I wasn't teary-eyed until a few tears trickled down his face as they were saying their vows and she wiped his cheek with her hanky.

Sigh, how sweet...

Lanie Dinecola said...

So it was a surprise wedding???

Alli Miller said...

She told me monday night they were getting married saturday...

The Miller girls have a flair for the dramatic...wink wink...

Alli Miller said...

Thanks Jon,

I took them with my sis' camera on the fly...

Hey, I like your art, very inventive...