I can't go on talking forever. Take this blog for example, this is my 199th post. My 200th post will be my last. Every story needs an ending. And I do love happy endings so that's how I'll end my blog!
I'm ending it with a marriage! Not mine. I'm terrified of being close to someone. One day someone will save me from myself. In the meantime, I'll continue loving on the ones God has placed in my life and bask in the afterglow of my sister. She's getting married soon! Just thinking about her as a wife brings a smile to my face.
Munch and Fatty met over five years ago. He was a businessman from Florida, she was a model in Houston. The first time they met he asked for her number. She said no but gave him her mailing address and said he could write. Do you know what he did? He wrote! For months, something came from Florida to Texas at least once a week. Flowers, a card, a letter. Persistence won out. At the end of six months she gave him her number. The rest is history. June 25th they leave for Instanbul on their honeymoon!
last post huh? i'm kind of sad...
You know, I hear that a lot these days. Who knew people actually read the stuff I put on here?
I was checking myspace everyday and realized it needed to stop. It scared me enough to wonder if my blog was becoming a stumbling block as well. Hence the summer break.
I'm not going to delete it, I'll just take a breather. I kind of like my stories, as goofy and random as they are. Just like their author. :)
Thanks for reading.
2 in love can make it....take my heart but please dont break it... love was made for me and you....
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you can adore
Can you imagine all the trouble they are going to get into?
Ah, those kids... Ain't Love grand?!
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