August 09, 2006

The Ballad of Ricky B.

I went to the last night of a revival service hosted by my momma church tonight. The guest speaker was Dr. Rick Byrageon. My tongue totally butchers his last name, but man that man can preach! Goodness gracious! I totally needed to hear him tonight.

The service started out by singing some hymns that had me grinning from ear to ear. We don't sing hymns at my church, which is perfectly fine, but I grew up on them. Every once in a while they are like a balm to my soul. And that continued into the sermon. God just blessed my socks off! Dr. B's sermon was on Jeremiah 29:10-14.

He mentioned a lot of things that my heart needed to hear. I needed to hear that God's not done with me. He's not shaking His head and giving up on me when I stick my foot in my mouth, or when I'm so frustrated with Him I want to spit. His grace is always available to me. ALWAYS. That's one of my favorite sides of Him. His grace. Most of the time, I'm shaking my head at His sense of timing. I never can guess what He's going to do. He constantly takes me by surprise.

But Dr. B had something to say about that. His message was one of hope and restoration. It was great! So great! How God hasn't washed His hands of me. He hasn't! Never has, never will. He'll always be constant and committed to me. To look up and talk to Him even when I feel I'm far from where I want to be. Keep talking to Him, He's listening. He wants to hear from me, no matter what mood I'm in! Wow.

Over the past few weeks all I've done was cry at church. Its humbling in the fact that I can't explain to you why. Tears just stream down my face, and I just don't know why. I can't pinpoint what "it" is. I just flatout sit there like a lump on a log and cry. I'm just empty. And I've tried to hide it. As I type this, one of my pastor's old sermons is streaming. He is talking about how being a community of faith means times when I can walk in and be a wreck and it be ok. (Funny how his sermon lines up with the sermon from tonight. I love when God does that!)

Usually I run. Not like exercise, I run when I'm scared or don't understand things. Especially when I ask God to take something out of my life. If He doesn't, its my gut reaction to run from Him. In actuality, God is taking those broken dreams and hopes and turning them into something I can't even imagine. Dr. B said God has better days ahead for me. I'm positive he didn't mean just me, but even still, knowing that He wants to take the time to put my life together is an awesome and humbling thought.

Tonight I sat in church and cried through another service, yet again. But these were tears of hope and joy that God is going to show off in my life! When it comes down to it, of all these things I could ever hope for in this world, I want every part of me to be pointing you to Him. Even when I'm a wreck AND sticking my foot in my mouth...

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