August 16, 2006

Pink Welts and Pink Toes

My toes are drying because I painted them for this weekend. They are a very frilly ridiculously fun shade of pink. Didn't know there was a "very frilly ridiculously fun shade of pink" out there in the world, now did ya? The actual name of it is "A-Rose at Dawn...Broke by Noon." For real, I ain't kiddin!

So while my toes are drying, I figured I'd tell you about my day today. Most of it had to do with weight. I came into my office this morning, going around doing the daily ritual of good mornings to everyone, when my supervisor and coworker yelled at me to come back to their office. I go back and she says, "Allison! You look skinny today. Go eat a donut." To which I saucily, and honestly, reply, "If you had a donut, I would gladly eat it."

A few of the ladies in my office are on a diet. Actually, most of them are. They kid around with me that I'm "tiny." My mom calls it awfully skinny. I call it irritating. I try to camouflage bones protruding. For instance, I broke my collarbone at church camp years ago and you can see the break in the bone where it tried to grow back straight and didn't. Its repulsive, so I cover it up with clothes, sweaters, little distractions that keep me discreetly but charmingly clothed...

Anyway, back to my story. Today at lunch, one of the girls asked me how I stay so skinny and if there are wee girls in my family history. My aunt is small, but that's about it. And I told her that I eat every few hours. It's true! I'm a big nibbler. My dad says I eat like a bird. Supposedly it keeps your metabolism running to break down the food you've just eaten. I have no clue. All I know is that I've done this for years. Eat a little here, a little there. I can't sit down and eat a ginormous meal, as much as I'd like to.

This evening, I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, getting everything ready to go see Fatty. She's super excited about this weekend. Just like her big sis. And I get a mosquito bite on my wrist. The freagin' thing is huge! So I'm whining about this ginormous bug bite welt to a few friends of mine until they pop off that its not a big bite, if my wrist wasn't tiny it wouldn't look that bad. Agh!

Speaking of, I think I'm going to go nibble on something before I slip into bed and hit the hay...

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