Here's the thing. I've gotten a bee in my bonnet about debt. So to swat out said bee, I've decided to get another job. Now, I'm not to the point where stuff is being turned off, or I'm having to hock anything on the street. I just wanna get rid of it. Right now I don't have three mouths to feed, diapers or school uniforms to buy. It boils down to two facts. One, I don't want to bring it into a marriage. Most importantly, I want to glorify Him in all aspects of my life and that includes my finances.
So I got this job at a chicken place. And then told my father about it. He wasn't too happy. My dad's not a big talker. But he can say a lot with his tone. Needless to say his tone wasn't too happy with his eldest daughter. Not over my financial prowess or lack thereof, it was the fact that I wasn't telling him about it. (He's protective of me, will always be. Even when I was overseas, six hours ahead of him, I always knew I could call and he could take care of whatever was going on. Yay, my dad is fabulous.)
In the meantime, I've had a few great things happen in the midst of trying to get my finances in order. I was able to talk with my boss about the way God applies pressure in life. His pressure is gently guiding. Kind of like a hand on the small of my back. Enough pressure to let me know He's there and to steer me where He is leading me.
Two, my friends have been wonderfully supportive. In fact, they've done their best to get me babysitting jobs. Which is great, but in a exquisite torture kind of way. The truth is that I want to be a mom one day. I want to be a wife. I know that supposedly freaks guys out, but it shouldn't surprise anyone that I long to care for and be cared for one day. Its normal to want to be loved. I want to look into my children's eyes and see me and their father in them. So I've been antsy about taking any opportunity to watch over children. Whether volunteer or a paid position. However, it seems that is exactly where He is leading me...The thing is that I truly love caring for the wee ones...
So I got this job at a chicken place. And then told my father about it. He wasn't too happy. My dad's not a big talker. But he can say a lot with his tone. Needless to say his tone wasn't too happy with his eldest daughter. Not over my financial prowess or lack thereof, it was the fact that I wasn't telling him about it. (He's protective of me, will always be. Even when I was overseas, six hours ahead of him, I always knew I could call and he could take care of whatever was going on. Yay, my dad is fabulous.)
In the meantime, I've had a few great things happen in the midst of trying to get my finances in order. I was able to talk with my boss about the way God applies pressure in life. His pressure is gently guiding. Kind of like a hand on the small of my back. Enough pressure to let me know He's there and to steer me where He is leading me.
Two, my friends have been wonderfully supportive. In fact, they've done their best to get me babysitting jobs. Which is great, but in a exquisite torture kind of way. The truth is that I want to be a mom one day. I want to be a wife. I know that supposedly freaks guys out, but it shouldn't surprise anyone that I long to care for and be cared for one day. Its normal to want to be loved. I want to look into my children's eyes and see me and their father in them. So I've been antsy about taking any opportunity to watch over children. Whether volunteer or a paid position. However, it seems that is exactly where He is leading me...The thing is that I truly love caring for the wee ones...
1 comment:
O Girl! Go have a blast! Celebrate with her, don't be down... This is her big day and she wants to share it with you!
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