December 15, 2006

Cold Calling...

Life has been crazy lately. Actually I don't think life really slows down much till you're dead. And then you're in heaven. I plan spending my eternal future on a porchswing with my Savior. In the meantime, I'm running around living life here right now.

I've been working a lot this week. So much so that I've been skipping a few meals to get everything taken care of. I still bring my lunch in the vague assumption at some point I'll be hungry, but usually I'm too busy. This morning I brought my lunch, leftover chinese, and put it in the fridge. Three o'clock rolls around and I realize my cell phone hasn't gone off in a while. In fact, I don't even see it on my desk. Hmm. Let me check my purse. Nope, no cell. And then the confusion clears as I consider the probability that I've left it in my lunch box, aka wal-mart bag. I go to the kitchen, open the fridge, grab the bag, look inside and low and behold, there's my phone.

At around three this afternoon, it died on me. The cold sucked the battery dry. But I did learn something in all this. I obviously need a vacation...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats hilarious!!! when my dad is trying to send food home with me or something and doesnt want me to forget it, he puts my keys in the refrigerator on top of the container to help me remember! ahahah!