December 06, 2006

Help...My Tongue & I Need Self-Control

I'm reading this book on boundaries. It's actually called Boundaries by the Drs. Cloud and Townsend. It's great and horrible to read at the same time. It helps me recognize where I need boundaries.

It's showing me a lot about where my insecurity lies, and how I sabotage the relationships I have in my life. I either internalize and not say one peep or I talk them to death. I live in a life of extremes. Let me give an example so this makes sense to all of us. When I'm told I'm too intimidating, I take it. Accept it wholeheartedly because I believe her and I'm scared she's right. But when Katie tells me something nice I don't believe her, and shrug her off because she can't see the ugly parts of me. See? This girl needs some boundaries!

Me and my tongue need your help. I don't have very good self-control with it. When someone asks me a question, its like the floodgates open. I'm not so sure that's a good idea. On the other hand, if you say something to me that confirms my insecurity I take it to heart. Praise will go in one ear and straight out the other because I struggle with being confident with the me I see in the mirror.

If you're reading this blog, chances are you know me. Plenty of times I've used my mouth to cover my tracks. Or distract you from giving me the help I desperately need but am too prideful to ask for. Sadly, there are relationships I've strangled to death with my tongue. And if that's you, I'm so sorry. I can completely understand if you have no more grace left for me. Please forgive me and my tongue.

So I'm asking you to hold me accountable. Whether its not asking for help when I need it, or if I pile on words to hide the fact that I'm vulnerable. Please don't let me do that. As part of the Body of Christ, I need some help growing up...

I know me the sinner a heck of a lot better than me the saint. I want to be a healthy, well-balanced child of God. And that might require me cutting out my tongue...

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