A few days ago my roomie met our guardian. She came upstairs to my room a little frazzled. Let me describe him. He's not the most handsome, or the tallest, and he certainly doesn't say much. I say hello when I see him. He just kind of looks at me and goes on his way. Which is fine. I seriously could talk to a rock. Oh? Did I mention he just happens to be an opossum? He hangs out on our fence. Mostly the red gate.

I kind of like him. I guess I've always got a soft spot in my heart for "mutts." You know, the animals that look like they've been beaten with an ugly stick. Last night we named him Gabriƫl. I don't know, maybe he is something He sent to protect us. He almost scared my roomie away from her own house so clearly he's an effective deterrent.
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