January 09, 2007

The Wedding March...

Tonight was my first wedding rehearsal! I was the first one there and all the lights were off and the doors to the church were locked. I found a back way into the sanctuary and was on my way to try and find some lights. I knew where some of the switches were, but I didn't have a key to turn them all on, nor a key to unlock the doors for the wedding party...

Meanwhile, the best man and one of the groomsmen come into the sanctuary. We're standing in the halflight, I'm introducing myself, asking them which side they were on. The best man was more of a talker than the other groomsman, so he was asking me where I was from, how long I'd been here. I was chattering about the Ring, and telling him this was my first time to help coordinate a wedding. He tells me I'll be great. It was fun of him to encourage me when he didn't know me from Adam. Then everybody starts arriving and its gametime...

My responsibilities for this wedding are wranglin' the groomsmen and minister, signaling the ushers for the runner, letting the readers know what and when, running to the back to help present the bride, fix the back of her dress, and then shut the doors. I think that's it.

In the midst of figuring all this out, I was also the halfway point down the aisle for the groomsmen to meet their corresponding bridesmaid. During the run through, when the girl starts heading towards where I'm at, the guy comes up and meets her right in front of me. The best man didn't have anyone to walk with. So he comes up, gallantly offers me his arm and asks if I'd walk down with him. I swing around to his left side, he looks down at me and says, act short. I'm five-four. This guy is a blond haired giant who is built like a wall. He's six-six. And he's telling me to act short! Even with my 2 inch heels, I was still a small girl alongside a very large man. But we made it down the aisle, he went up to his place and I swung back around to help the junior bridesmaid and her escort. She wasn't sure how to hold his arm. He had it down pat, but she was having a little bit of trouble. That was my favorite part about the whole thing, helping her learn how to take his arm.

I'm a complete girl. The mere idea of weddings get me giggling. I love other peoples' love stories! I think its so cool when God brings two people together and they want to share with the world that from here on out, you mess with one, you're totally messing with the other. I'm sure it will wear off the more weddings I help with, but right now, its all a magical wonderland. Throughout tonight I subconsciously found myself thinking, yep, like that, nope, not too fond of that. I'm going to get plenty of learnin' doing this....

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