January 18, 2007

Look at that Bride!

Yesterday I was talking with a friend of mine about the Bride. You know the one I'm talking about. HER. The Bride of Christ. I'm a part of it, so are you if you have a relationship with Jesus...

I found a link to something called Beer Church Baton Rouge. Basically it was just a group of people who wanted to hang out and enjoy beer. While you think this is going to be my stance on alcohol, fooled you, it's not. I showed her the link and we began talking about how the Bride of Christ, the church, sometimes forgets who she is. She looks just like everybody else. I play my part in that as well. Sometimes I shine, sometimes I look no different than the world. It's infuriating to me when I recognize that I've been duped into thinking I'm no different. Hello?! Jesus Christ dwells in me and made me new! My actions as well as words should be shouting that!

At community group we were talking about the church across the world. It made me think of places like the 10/40 window where the church has to be on fire for God or they wouldn't survive. Living in the states I should be just as passionate for Him whether I'm in darkest Africa or at Wal-Mart. Location should never be the measuring stick for my passion.

We as His children are all created for something beautiful and amazing. Each and every one of us. Everybody is blessed with a uniqueness that comes from Him. There are some things I just can't do, but you can. That's the beauty and grace of it. We all have a role, an identity, and a purpose. We get to love a world that is broken and hurting. What an honor, what a privilege!

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