March 12, 2007

Gift Ninja...

Tonight I was talking to Courtney about a gift that will soon come in the mail. I'm very excited about it. She asked me if I was going to present to the giftee, cuz she knows that's the worst part for me... Um, heck no!

You see, I love giving gifts. Ok, not like giving them giving them. I love the up to that point in the gift giving process. I love thinking of random ways to show you I love you. I like to break out the glitter glue, colored pens, stamps, etc. All that foolishness that in the long run doesn't mean much, but its a glimpse into one of the best parts of you in that you give a little something of yourself when you give a gift.

That being said, I'm counting the days until this last gift. I won't give it in person. I'm not that kind of a girl. Absolutely I hope it will be well received, but honestly, it doesn't matter if its loved or hated. My joy is in the creation of it, not necessarily its rise and fall in popularity.

Now I just gotta figure out how I'm going to deliver it. I'm small and don't make much noise, so I figure I'll do what I always do. Blend in... And then bam! you never know what hit you...

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