April 29, 2007

Blue Dog House: Fixin's...

I'm so sore. And my blisters have blisters on my hands. That's one of the things I remember most about my mom's hands growing up. They were just so soft! I try to take care of mine. I want to have a soft touch for my kids. And that means prep work. Lotion, grooming nails, etc. Speaking of prep work, my hands have taken a beating working on our new house for the past two days.

Ugh, they're ugly. I'm still bruised from an iv a while back, my palms are red from sanding drywall, blisters from gripping the lawnmower bar mowing the front and back yards, and nails chipped from peeling wallpaper. However, the wallpaper is off, the lawns are groomed and the holes we made peeling wallpaper are patched up and looking good.

One of the things that kept running through my head as Court, Carla and I worked on the house, was the reminder of God's blessings. How different they look sometimes. The house needs some fixing up. Especially the puddles in our dining room from the leaking water line connected to the fridge. But there's a still a blessing in that. None of us have moved our stuff in, and we'd moved the fridge to pull off more wallpaper. The repairs will not be our responsibility financially. And that is so big for us.

I think sometimes in my life, God's blessings take a little work. He wants to give you, me, all of us, exactly what we need in remarkable ways and proportions. In my life, the things I appreciate the most, are the things I can put a little work into. I love that God gives me blessings right out of the sky that I never see coming, but I also love when He gives me a blessing I can be a part of in the making. I love that He wants me to be involved in blessing others, including myself.

That being said, I am so tired, its unbelievable how exhausted I am. But I'm about to go to church, and the thought of it just makes me grin. There's rest there. And people I love there. And not one piece of wallpaper that needs to be peeled, or one blade of grass that I need to mow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay for fixin' stuff.. i have enjoyed spending time with my fav. girls though! love ya, spackle queen