April 20, 2007

A Sword Has Its Place...

I'm not supportive of blatant stereotypes of people groups. For example, this weeks' shooting at Virginia Tech. Heartbreaking, yes. Terrifying, yes. Reason to discriminate, heck no. I don't think there's ever a valid reason to judge someone just because of their race, religion, hair color, eye color, whether they eat vegetables or steak, or whether someone like them committed some horrible crime.

This whole thing has shocked people. Rightly so. Its atrocious what happened. And would I have wanted him put through the legal process, absolutely. I think that's why we have the legal system. Its put in place to protect the society we have created. That being said...

Why have we become so tolerant towards violence?!

The reaction to this kind of reminds of 9/11. We grieve, we get scared, we get pissed, and then we go buy a cup of coffee to prove we had it right in the first place. People were encouraged to keep going on with their lives, otherwise the terrorists "win." I understand the reasoning and comfort in getting back to a normal pace, but couldn't we learn a little about what's just happened before we become so jaded to it?

Since this shooting, anti-gun control groups have started jockeying for position, as have pro-gun control groups. Everyone's looking for a limelight and a way to get their foot in the door to convince society that gun control should be done their way. If you're looking to me for an answer, I don't have it. I know how to properly and responsibly wield a firearm. Should that centuries old right be taken from me because of harmful and dangerous decisions made by others? I don't know. Do I like watching the news every night and hearing of families being destroyed and hurt by actions involving firearms? No. Does it bother me that I could go into a store, spend a few minutes filling out a piece of paper, and walk out with a glock 9? Yeah, it kind of does.

I don't think God disapproves of weapons. Used as means of protection they can prove quite an asset. As for mindless violence, pretty sure He's not a fan of that. Remember when Peter chopped off Malchus' ear? Jesus wasn't like yay! thanks for turning your fear and rage into a reason to hurt a perfect stranger. He did the exact opposite. He told Peter to knock it off. "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword." Matthew 26:52. He healed Malchus' ear, his last miracle, and then was taken into custody to go crucify Himself cuz He loved you and me unconditionally.

Unconditional love...now thats an idea I can tolerate.

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