Fast forward to tonight. Court and I are in the bathroom taping up edges to paint tomorrow. I get a picture to text to my sister of the toilet. I ask Court how the picture is. She doesn't like it. Here, let me hold it and you take a picture. So she holds up the spigot and smiles for the picture. I hold up my camera, and she squeezes the trigger. A jet spray of toilet water hits me smack in the face. I freeze. I'm completely grossed out. There's water dripping off of me. My hair, my face, my glasses, the wall. Courtney is looking at me, wondering what my reaction is going to be. She told me she thought the water was turned off cuz of some water problems in the kitchen. I explained to her as I'm wiping off my glasses that the water line to the fridge was turned off, not all the water. After the initial gross-out factor of being sprayed with something connected to a toilet, the only thing I could do was laugh. And laugh we did! It was hilarious.
Addendum: No one seems to know what this is... And that is awesome in its own right. Not sure its awesome enough to keep in the house, but it sure makes for a fun story. As does my inability to spell the word "spigot".
seriously, re reading this makes me cry i am laughing so hard.. sorry about pre-potty water in your face allison.. love you
Quite alright Darlin'. Apparently I don't have the best of luck in bathrooms...
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