March 28, 2006

Love Takes Time...And Risks

I've been working like a fiend lately with my event. Five days and counting. April 2nd at around 5pm I'll be exhausted but so thrilled it's all over. Don't get me wrong, fun will be had Sunday. My sister is coming in and I'm chomping at the bit to see her. She's even coming to the Ring!! Which is big for me. I want her to meet the ones I love here in Baton Rouge, and have her see why its my home now. I just want her to fall in love with all of them like I did. Although I gotta admit, it took time for me to love being here.

People say that good things take time, but I'm more of a follow my heart, take a leap of faith and see what happens kind of gal. Although to be perfectly honest, I'd probably be a much wiser woman if I took the time to smell the roses. But I've never been a big fan of roses...

1 comment:

mreddie said...

Well, find a flower you like to smell and stop to smell that. :) If we get in too big of a hurry we will pass by more than we catch up to. ec