April 17, 2006

I Don't Eat The Tails

On the way back home to Baton Rouge, we had a speed lunch. As in get your butt outta the van, tinkle if you need to, grab whatever you want for lunch TO-GO, and get back in the van so we can keep driving. It's a good plan in theory, but when you have around sixty people, it's going to take a bit of time no matter how fast you are.

Well, I got a Big Mac at Mickey D's. Which some of you found funny. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a little skinny for my own liking. Every time I took a picture in Mexico, I'd look at it and think, gosh somebody give that girl a sandwich. So I was stuffing my face on a Big Mac, talking to people and sharing my fries. I grab a few fries, eat them, and then Courtney busts out laughing. I'm thinking, great, I've got secret sauce all over my face. That's hot, right? So I'm like, uh, what? She says, "Allison, that's how you eat your fries?!"

Let me describe my french fry eating technique. I eat all of it. Well, almost all of it. I don't eat the end of it. Chomp, chomp, chomp, and toss the end. It's real easy to do. So Courtney says, hey, watch Allison eat a fry. Yeah, I love performing like a trained monkey. So I oblige and eat the fry, and toss the end. Taylor says, Yeah, I know someone who does that. She doesn't eat the "tails." I reply with a see, it's not unusual. Then he finishes his remark with a yeah, my niece, she's FOUR.


mreddie said...

Am following your adverntures with interest - and amusement. ec

mreddie said...

But obviously not being very careful to spell things correctly. :) ec