August 09, 2006

Hope and Tough Decisions

Ruth is a book of hope and decisions. I've been reading it a lot lately. Its refreshing to see Gods hand in every aspect of the story. And yes, while its a beautiful love story, its also so much more. Its a book about big decisions, hope and trust. Each character in the story has his or her own decisions to make...

Orpah, whose name means stubbornness, has to decide to go back to what she knows or stay with her sister-in-law Ruth and mother-in-law Naomi...

Naomi has to decide that God really is in control even when He appears to be dealing harshly with her...

Ruth, her name means friendship, decides to follow God and care for Naomi. She also decides to gather up her courage, take the initiative in humbling herself before Boaz and asking for his protection...

Boaz himself has a few big decisions to make. He knows Ruth is a "woman of noble character" but even when she comes asking for him, he decides to let the kinsman redeemer make the decision of caring for Ruth. Boaz loves her, but he still does the noble thing...

The kinsman-redeemer has a decision to make too. He can accept Gods blessing of Ruth in his life or he can pass her by. And in deciding not to care for Ruth, gives up the many blessings God would have made available to him in her. His decision ultimately clears the way for Gods true purpose of bringing Ruth and Boaz together...

I think I see me in all of the characters of the story. Stubbornness, self-pity, courage, faith, love, purity, fear, hope. Right now, at 7:06am, I'm hopeful and expectant. Hopeful that God has His hand on me and my life and is guiding my steps to becoming who He's called me to be...

1 comment:

mreddie said...

So little of the nature of humans has changed from then until now - but God is still God and I'm very glad. We were in Baton Rouge on Saturday night only, passing through in route to Freeport, Texas to see our daughter and her family for about a week - they moved there two weeks ago. I brought my tools and am doing various 'chores' to help get many minor things straightened up. The Spice of my life is the organized one and is helping her get the kitchen and various other areas organized. ec