September 27, 2006

Old and New Miracles...

Last night I was babysitting at church. Courtney taught me how to burp a baby. You really do have to kind of smack 'em. Who knew? Certainly not me! Anyways, that's not the story I'm telling you...

When the parents started coming in, Ms. Diane said my name, and a mom turned around and said, Allison? Allison Miller? (I smile the bemused smile of, o crap, what have I done?) I nod, and reply, Yes Ma'am, that's me. She says, well, I've been wanting to meet you for some time. (Same bemused, even more befuddled look on my face... ) How's your job? Congratulations on that! I'd seen your resume going around and you just got a job so fast here in Baton Rouge, I was just amazed!

She's talking about when my old job was put in peril because of government funding. I was in the ok, God, what now? state of mind. I'd given my resume to someone and various people started looking around with me as well. Two to three weeks later, in the somewhat scary Baton Rouge job market, God led me to a great job. I've been there over three months now...It's now an old miracle, but still hasn't lost its wonder...

Now on to new miracles. I'm friends with a couple that have been trying to have a baby for going on five years now. We were talking about letting go of complete control of the situation and handing all of it over to Him. She said that she'd just gotten to the point where she gave every single bit of it over to Him.

I asked her if I could tell my community group about it. She said sure, and I promptly asked them to pray. Five DAYS later she walks in to tell me they're expecting! I'm not positive that our prayers had anything to do with it, but I am positive that God uses His timing perfectly so that we have the option to glorify Him in His surprises...

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