December 17, 2006

The Pancake Dinner of '06

Tonight was our annual pancake dinner for church. I was standing there with Courtney, Carla and Meg when Jess came up and said for me to come in the kitchen. I looked at her and said, No. I can clean it if that's what you need. Jess says, Nope, get in here. Ok, I'm not sure if you've ever seen the fear of God on someone's face, but it definitely appeared a few times on my face through this experience. Meg pushes me towards the kitchen and I'm thinking I've had a good run at this church, but I'm pretty sure they'll kick me out when I kill someone with my cooking.

I'm put in front of two pans with sausage links on them. Courtney says she's done this before so it'll be fine. Carla comes along to help as well. My heart is pounding and I'm shaking. Alright, here's why I'm terrified. I mess things up all the time in the kitchen. Really. I'm not being charming, I'm a disaster in that room. And now I was going to feed a huge group of loved ones that could very easily turn on me if one of them gets food poisoning.

So I learn how to cook sausage links. A few people come by. Jake wants to take pics, which I cleverly avoid. T comes in with his camera, who caught on that I was avoiding him so he stubbornly took a few shots. Cody swings by and says, Allison are you ok? You look terrified... Finally the sausage was done. I survived. I've only got like second degree burns from the grease popping, but other than that, I'm alright.

Jess comes to the back and says, On to the bacon. Wait. What? I'm not emotionally prepared for bacon. She brings in a few pounds, yep, pounds, of bacon for us to cook. Cris comes in and gives me a few tips when it comes to cooking bacon. By the time that's done, I have to sit down for a second cuz I'm overwhelmed. I tried to hide the fact I'm crying a little but Courtney caught me. There was absolutely nothing wrong, I was just overwhelmed and that's the way we're wired. A few tears later and I'm ready for another pound of bacon.

The bacon is finished, and I've now got third degree burns from that bacon grease. It definitely pops you when you're least expecting it. Then I move over to Shawnelle who teaches me how to cook pancakes. Angie came by to see if she wanted to go eat and I tell her to go ahead, I think I'm alright. So she goes, but comes back cuz she wants some of "Allison's pancakes." We giggle and then she gives me strict instructions that now I have to practice my pancakes on someone.

All in all, my feet hurt cuz I was back there leaning over a griddle for hours, my hair smells like sausage/bacon, it was stressful, but I wouldn't have traded any of it. Everyone was completely supportive and I don't think anyone will die from my helping out in the kitchen. (Hear that God?) And when I went back into the kitchen Jess told me to turn right back around since I was a cook I was not going to clean up. A cook. She called me a cook!

Big thanks to Jess for her tenacity at getting me out of my comfort zone. Meg, for forcefully but gently shoving me in the direction of the kitchen. Carla, I will never look at another piece of bacon or sausage without thinking of you. Cris, for the stellar bacon tips. Courtney, for laughing at and with me through all this, and Shawnelle, in my heart you and I will forever be Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth...


nathan said...

You know I went back for a second plate...

Alli Miller said...

I didn't know that, and if you get sick, I have insurance...

Thank you for reading/enjoying this! And you are so completely the opposite of Scrooge! He was a creepy old man, you are a beautiful woman of God. There's no comparison... And I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I had a good time and you put some of my mothering/teaching skills to work.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year to come.

With much love,
Aunt Jemima

Alli Miller said...

Yeah, my cooking is more of a fear factor kind of thing... For me as a cook and whomever has the courage to eat it...

And I still smile thinking of every little bit of sunday night...