January 25, 2007

Random Acts of Wow...

Today has been quite a day. I didn't win the lotto. I didn't get a promotion. BUT. I got so much more...

A friend loved her birthday present...
A friend told me I was important to him and had meaning in his life...
A friend keeps telling me what she sees Him doing in me...
Wendy's gave me two extra bacon hamburgers with my order...
A friend told me he's praying for me...
A straight shot makes me feel safe...
A friend called to check on me...
I had the opportunity to talk about my church...
A card from my sis today said she knew I was having a tough go of it lately, but was with me...
A friend of mine said I'd be a good mom...
A text had nothing but well wishes and love...

And the icing on a cake? Dumb and Dumber was on tv tonight. Seriously though, while I can not wait to get this month over with, I wouldn't change any of it. Yeah, there have been dangerously dark times where I've fallen. But in the midst of it, there are little pinpoints of light coming from Him and those He's put around me. Other times He shines through to where I'm almost blinded by the amazing turn of events in my life. Thank you for being a part of that. I'd hope that I've come through it gracefully, but I know I've got a lot to learn. I kind of hope I never "make it" spiritually. I want to always have a bit of a surprise factor in the ways He moves in my life and in the lives of those around I love...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes it's 2:20 in the morning and i'm still up. and yes i'm the only who said they were going to bed as soon as they got home. i guess insomnia gets the best of me.
just read this blog. love it. i love that it's the little things that bring us so much joy and not just winning the lottery - although that's not so bad, either.
thank you for seeing that. and letting me see that with you.