June 27, 2007

We just evict their parents...

our lawn needs some tender loving care. weeds need to be eaten, grass needs to be mowed, light bulbs need to be changed. i still love my house, its just a lot of work to keep everything in working condition... little things that i wouldn't even think about until the light blows and i can't see to get into the house, or the trash is overflowing because i forgot it was trash day, or how i can't freaking figure out how to fix my ceiling fan chain. or the fact that my fingertips get singed every time i run hot water in the shower cuz the faucet gets too hot. or the dripping faucet in the kitchen that drives me crazy. yep, all those things that we've called maintenance about and oddly enough, nothing has been done with them...

anywho, some friends of ours went on vacation yesterday and said we could use their weed eater. awesome. so court and i drive out to prairieville in my car cuz its got a few more doors than hers. we get into the shed, take the weed eater to my car and realize it won't fit. Hmm. Ok. I have oh, nothing to tie it down on my roof with and then realize my seats fold down. and if you angle the weed eater it fits. so thats what we did. then went on to izzos to meet carla for dinner.

after dinner carla decides that she's going to change the light bulb over the carport with the bulbs I bought this weekend. ok, cool. well, none of us are tall enough so she backs her jimmy up and stands on the back of it to reach the light casing. which also has a birds' nest in it. i go get something for her to shove the bird nest out, which was a hand broom. i had the dustpan to try and catch it in case it has eggs or baby birds in it. so she's leaning on the edge of her car pushing the nest from the top, i'm standing under it trying to guesstimate where this nest is going to land. the smell from the nest is horrendous. seriously. so now she and i have our shirts covering our noses cuz its that rank. which means we're doing this one handed. meanwhile, courtney, who had been standing by the side door watching us, goes inside cuz she's gagging from the smell. one shove, two shoves, at about the fifth shove, the nest comes out and i catch it. whew! we aren't baby bird killers. we just evict their parents.

carla then goes on to change the bulbs so now the carport isn't black as midnight anymore. and today after work, i'm hoping to try to use the weed eater. i've not used one in oh, about 8 years, so we'll see how this goes. its a bit hard to manage for me. the proportion of the weight is a bit odd and is going to take some getting used to. i went ahead and brought the extra string for it. but i've never changed weed eater string before. my dad always did that for me. i've seen him do it, but like i said, eight years ago...

i miss my dad. for lots of reasons. one of them is being readily available to help me when i don't know how to do something. sigh. oh well, he's just a phone call and 18 hours away...

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