June 19, 2007


Yee-ouch today was rough. I think it was cuz I was tired. Being weary makes me more prone to being overly sensitive, sticking my foot in my mouth, and general vulnerability to tears and drama.

So what does a girl do when the world is pouring raindrops? Literally and figuratively? This one takes a bath. Till her fingertips look like prunes. And my skin turns red. (I have two skin tones. Red and clear. Haha.) Anyways, we have a shower cd/radio so I was listening to it and a song came on with a lyric that says "Your beloved needs you now." Right after that lyric is done, the signal fades because of the storm outside.

Beloved. What does that mean? I was talking to God about it. I wonder if He gets tired of me talking. Or thinking. Or chasing every little rabbit with Him. Or asking a million questions a mile a minute. I'm not sure what being a beloved entails or looks like. Dictionary.com says beloved is a person greatly loved; dear to the heart.

I am one of God's beloved. Beloved. It has a nice ring to it. And I know I'll always be that to Him. I can't ever ruin that. With my issues, or questions, or inexperience. What a lovley idea. He loves me. Loves to spend time with me, listen to my voice, just sit in comfortable silence. Even when He's correcting me, He always treats me kindly. He's gentle. Treats me like a teacup, not a gatorade bottle.

Ok, for not knowing what its like to be someone's beloved, He's slowly gotten me used to the idea that its ok to be loved.

Mmm. That God. You'd think He was trying to teach me something...

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