June 12, 2007

Secondhand Solos...

Last night I was going over some songs for the worship leader for our kids cg. We don't have one yet, but we have a prospect. Hopefully God is leading him to our little group. The thing is, he doesn't like to sing. So Court and I said, no problem! We'll totally belt out something if it means we'll have someone to play guitar for our little ones...

As I was going over the songs, picking and choosing age appropriate, fun songs we know, I came across my first adult solo I sang. It's called the Potter's Hand. I was helping with worship in the sunday morning overflow service in the gym. Extremely long story as to how I got roped into that. I had signed up to help as backup, not solos. Moving on...

I remember wearing flats cuz I knew I was going to shake. I'm like a leaf in the wind when I'm scared. I think its part of the reason God being steady is one of my favorite attributes of His. Haha. So silly. Anyways, my parents came to hear me. The music begins very softly, and then I chime in. O gosh. Just typing it takes me back. I remember thinking, ok, God, its just You and me here. I hope You like this, because its a very insufficient offering. (What can I say, my God is worth my best effort.) Deep breath, and sing...

I don't remember what I sounded like. After I was done, everyone chimed in and we sang the song through. I remember my dad being upset. He wanted me to sing the whole song alone, not have everyone else involved... My dad. He thinks I'm beautiful and can do pretty much anything. Thats one of the perks of being a dad I guess. You get to think your children are the most splendid little wonders. Which is fine. I fully believe he's a superhero.

Its very cool that God can have random things show up in your life that spark a memory, a face you love, or some blessing that came out of nowhere...

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