So I'm on my way back home to Baton Rouge from the holiday. I'm in Houston and there is a man snoring on one of the seats close to me. I'm looking at him, wondering where he's been, where he's going, if he had a good Christmas, why he's traveling alone, if he has someone to hug when he gets to where he's going, if he loves Jesus. (I'm a complete people watcher and I'll throw a little magic into everything...) He had a fast food drink under his seat. He's been there long enough to get food, or at least get a drink, and he'd been there a while because all the condensation had run off of it. The plane arrives, deboards, and then they announce our departure. I figure someone will wake him up. I had already decided if no one wakes him up, I'm going to. He shouldn't miss his plane because he's tired.
A ton of people walk right past him! I couldn't believe it! They look at him as they walk right on by! But its the look of looking through someone. I hate that look. They see him but don't SEE him. It reminded me of the Good Samaritan bible story. So now I'm the one walking past him. Do I wake him up? Do I let him sleep? Come on God, what am I supposed to do?! Well, He doesn't say one word, so I go on gumption. I shudder at the thought of having to touch him, but I won't pass by and not try to help him. I figure if this isn't his plane, he'll just go back to sleep...
I start tugging on his shoe. He's still sleeping. Dang! I tug a little harder. Nope. Grrr. Wake up, Stubborn! I ask the lady one seat over if she knew where he was going. Nope, she didn't know. So I grab his leg an inch above his knee, turn a ridiculous shade of purple because I'm grabbing some stranger's leg and start shaking. He's still asleep! Sigh. This man needs to wake up before I give up. The nanosecond before I decide I'm going to give up, he opens his eyes. I was thrilled cuz I could stop touching him. I smiled at his left ear and said, we're leaving for Baton Rouge. He kind of shakes his head a little to wake himself up some more and I went and stood in line to board. I don't know if he even got on the plane, but that didn't really matter much to me. I didn't pass him by and I think He was smiling at me...