February 27, 2006


There's a show on tv called Lost. It's about a group of people who have survived a plane crash and are living on this island. Season two is on currently. Well, in my social set, Lost is big. They talk about it, they watch it before we play phase 10, like I said, it's big.

Well, I never was too impressed by Lost. I'd seen one episode at a friend's house a few months back. It is very intense. Drama everywhere. Sad drama. The kind that makes me cry. Some parts are funny, but its the kind of funny of, o crap, something bad is going to happen because something good just happened.

I've been conned into thinking that if I "just watch the first season" I'll be hooked on the show. So I'm in the process of watching season one. I gotta tell you, it's alright. And then in Disc 3 of season one, they played the God card, so now I have to watch it to see how it all ends. Not that I'll be going out and spending the dough on buying the complete season on dvd. But if I had absolutely nothing to do, no book to read, or no other way to better myself, I'd waste a few hours on it.


Lanie Dinecola said...

It is pretty much the best show ever... besides Seinfeld-- of course.. Seinfeld trumps all shows.. ALL SHOWS. maybe I will write a blog about Seinfeld... ok love you too bye.. I'm ADD.

Alli Miller said...

Yeah, my addictions are law and order. I LOVE that show. I think the old ones are the best, but I do hold a special place in my heart for criminal intent.

ann said...

i confess - i own all of season 1 and am having season 2 downloaded every week for me...

it's my secret addiction - besides SVU and CSI...

poor katie...