February 22, 2006

My Expiration Date

Today was miserable. I didn't throw up. I picked up my coworker and grabbed some saltines and a sprite and was nibbling on that all the way to Alexandria. The weather is crappy the whole way there. Not a ray of sunshine anywhere. But I'm not hurling, so there is a silver lining. We get there and I was supposed to network and pick up some silent auction items. Yeah, two stores out of six who said they were going to actually followed through with it. Then at a stop light I hit this guy's trailer hitch and it knocked a 1 inch tear in my front bumper. So I get out, the guys' truck is fine, my car is torn and I'm trying to be brave and not cry. He says everything is fine with his truck, no worries and we both leave. I've driven a truck with a hitch, and gotten hit by little cars like five or six times. Doesn't ever hurt the hitch, tears up the bumper. So I go and pull over into a parking lot to see the damage. Yep, there's my new car, hurt. And I just started bawling. I didn't feel well, people were backing out of what they said they were going to do with my silent auction, and now I've just torn up my new car.

The day wasn't over yet, we still had to swing by Louisiana College and Pineville High School. So we go do another aspect of our job, then I ask Shanea' if she can drive. I'm way too emotional. Plus I still feel like if I look at food, I'm going to vomit. So she drives back home. The sun has come out, but I'm still feeling bad, still broken-hearted over my car, and just plain tired. My mom calls me after I'd dropped off Shanea' at her house. I tell her everything that happened and of course start crying because I just want a little affection because of my horrible day. She asks me about my valentine's package from her that I still haven't gotten. Well, I get it in the mail today so I call her back in my driveway, saying I've just gotten the package. The card is so sweet it makes me start crying again, and inside there is a ring box. It's a little red box and I'm excited about it. I don't usually get excited over jewelry, but it was going to be something to remind me of my parents who live very far away in West Texas. So I'm thinking, I've had a horrendous day, this will just be something to make me smile and not cry because I've cried too much today.

No such luck, the ring box was empty. Somewhere between my parents house in Texas and mine in Baton Rouge, someone stole it. Oh yeah, I busted into sobs. It was just the thing to take me from bad day to worse day of my life in like three seconds flat. My mom told me to leave Louisiana. She might have a point. A wise man once said I needed to take care of myself. I told him I was trying, but I'm pretty sure I'm failing at it today.

I'm holing up in my bed as soon as I get done typing. I'm pretty sure its a bug that is going around my friends pre-k classroom. I brought lunch to her Monday because she wasn't feeling well and I'd had the day off. And three of her kids had been out with it already.


Lanie Dinecola said...

Oh Allison.. I would cry hard too. I love you. Tomorrow will be better. "Joy comes with the morning." "His mercies are new each day."

Alli Miller said...


I heart your picture. Just looking at it makes me grin.

Thank you for the kind words.