February 18, 2006

Something to Talk About

I think Bonnie Raitt and I would get along. We both have crazy hair. She's got a beautiful voice, I don't. Two peas in a pod we would be. I'm blogging about Ms. Bonnie today because last night I was up WAY past my bedtime downloading some of her songs to my ipod. I'd gone to a birthday bonfire in Central last night and knew I'd have to wash my hair when I got home because of the smoke. So I left relatively early for a few reasons. One, it's in Central, which is like half an hour from where I live in Baton Rouge. (I've been informed that Central is now a city.) Two, the hair. Knew it was going to have to be washed AND dried because going to bed with wet, curly hair is quite possibly the scariest thing you could wake up to. And three, I'm old. On week nights, it's tough for me to be up late. Especially having to drive more than 10 minutes back to my house in the pitch black dark that is Central. Did I mention on the way there I almost hit this guy on a motorbike who didn't have any identifying lights? Crazy person. But I didn't, so all's well. Although I'm pretty sure it took a few years off my life cuz my heart was pounding so hard afterwards.

So here I am with a head full of wet curls, so I thought, hey, let's put some songs on my ipod. I also did some laundry. Oh yeah, spending friday nights doing laundry, that's hot. Before I could start downloading, I had to figure out the program. Which took nigh on forever. But I finally got it and went a little spastic downloading. I'm making a random girly playlist. I'm allowed to do that because I'm random and girly. Bonnie Raitt appeared a few times on the list. Last year I had karaoke at my birthday party where I stunned and amazed my friends at my inability to sing "Something to talk about." It was great fun. The not so fun part is that they've got it on video. God has blessed me with too many friends who know how to use technology.

Disclaimer: I've got the tape and not the recorder so supposedly there's no way to actually transfer it to a DVD. Brilliant!

1 comment:

mreddie said...

You seem to really enjoy the way God made you, I'm glad for you. ec