February 14, 2006

Love is in the Air

Ah, valentine's day. To be perfectly straight with you, I've not seen the big deal. Never have really. I never understood any social responsibility to "prove" my love to someone on a specific day. I'd rather jot a quick note that might bring a grin just because I can imagine the smile lighting up in their eyes before it reaches their chin. Or someone picking me flowers or doing something random because they want to surprise me, not because "everybody else is doing it." How mundane.

So I didn't cry myself to sleep tonight. Or call all my single friends and have a man-hating session. I've never been that kind of a girl. My night was filled with laughter. I went to a friends house and played phase 10. Its this card game that takes hours to play. And there is a point in the game no matter what time you are playing, that you've played so long that everything makes you giggle. It's true. It's happened every time I've played. The game isn't really that exciting, there are "phases" you have to pass to get to "phase 10" and win the game. It's the trash talk that's the best part. There were six of us, three guys, three girls. And I had an absolute blast. Everyone was talkin' smack and it just got more hilarious as time went by.

For me the best part of tonight was just laughing with, and sometimes at, everybody. I have some very funny friends and they make me laugh constantly. Although every once in a while a not-too-lady-like word would pop into my head when things got tense, and one time, one small word slipped out and everyone busted into laughter. I think from the shock of me saying it along with the expression on my face that I'd just let that slip. Oops. And probably the fact that I turned a very interesting shade of purple after said remark.

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