This is my brother Ryan and his newborn son, Christopher. I would show you a picture of his twin sister Taylor, but they are too disturbing. They were born a few months early. Christopher is doing great. I even have a picture of him sucking his thumb...
Taylor, however, is not doing good. In fact, she's not ok. She's got hydrocephalus. Which is a big long word for water on her brain. All of her bodily functions are completed through tubes. She's got bacteria in her belly which makes her tummy stiff that they are trying to knock out. She's been taken off feeding because her esophagus is not attached to her stomach. You can't pump a baby full of morphine, so while she is sedated all the time, she is in pain.
Hearing all this yesterday all I could do was cry. Cry for her. For her parents. I don't know this child. I've only recently talked to Ryan. And this little girl is tugging on my heartstrings. As I was painting last night she was on my mind. Can she, would she, survive being brought into the world like this?
I have random verses of scripture that hold me accountable, encourage me, and spur me on taped to my computer and desk at work. One of them has Isaiah 30:15,18 on it:
In repentence and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength....
The Lord longs to be gracious to you:
He rises to show you compassion.
For the Lord is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for Him.
Trust. Oddly enough its a hard thing for me in my life. One of my top three. I trust Him to completely take care of everything for you. I ask Him in full confidence believing He'll work wonders in your life. Flip it to when I'm praying for me and asking for miracles, signs and wonders, and I feel selfish for asking. He says to wait on Him. I know He knows what is going on here. Nothings taking Him by surprise. That's one of the things I love about Him. He's even keel. No sudden letting go of me, or pushing me away when I just need Him to listen and hold me close. My tears don't catch Him off guard. He gave me this heart and isn't surprised when the crap of this world breaks it.
I may not be laughing at the days to come, but He'll do His will in this. So I will wait. I will trust.