February 28, 2006
I Am Blessed!
Less Than Zero?
February 27, 2006
Who Knew?
February 26, 2006
His Promise is Sitting Next to Me?
Alright God, no more waiting. I'm Yours to do with what You will. By the way, thank You for the reminder this evening. I'm stubborn and You're patient to a fault.
February 24, 2006
Chop It Off
I guess it really depends on how the next two weeks of my life go.
February 23, 2006
An Empty Ring Box
As for the car, $526 for a new bumper.
February 22, 2006
My Expiration Date
On The Road Again
February 21, 2006
My Community Group
We are a big group. Last night was our smallest group we've ever had and we had 19. Usually its 23 people. So we are splitting into two groups. I know its a wonderful thing to be splitting, but I'm still a little sad. Not a lot, I know its a good thing and healthy to split into smaller groups, but I'll still be a little sad to not see some of their faces on Monday nights. God is blessing us as a group tremendously and I'm thrilled to be a part of it. It's just more change and change always takes a little getting used to on my part. I'm glad God has big shoulders because He's getting all of this unloaded onto Him from this heart o' mine.
There are times when I wonder if He gets tired of me chattering in His ear. Oh well, the older I get, the more of a talker I become. Especially when I talk about God. Hello? How can you keep quiet about the God of the Universe who just ADORES you? Who wouldn't want to talk to Him?
Louisiana Politics
It looks like I'm here for the long haul. Much to the frustration of my family, but I'm kind of excited about being in one place for more than a few years.
February 20, 2006
Always Play Music In The Tub
Alright, I'm a soaker. Nothing makes me more content like soaking in my bathtub. Give me a book to read, some music, blistering hot water, and I'm perfectly content. I think its because growing up in a house full of girls, the tub was the only way to be by yourself. That or sticking my nose in a book, although that still didn't get me out of my chores like I thought it would.
February 19, 2006
Approval Addict
Good grief look at the time! I'm on holiday today. Good thing, because it is l-a-t-e, late.
February 18, 2006
Something to Talk About
Disclaimer: I've got the tape and not the recorder so supposedly there's no way to actually transfer it to a DVD. Brilliant!
February 16, 2006
Quiet Time Makes Me Wanna Shout!
February 15, 2006
Does God Do Happily Ever After?
I'm wondering at what point I'm at in His story and how that will continue to affect mine. I've recently come to the eerily calm idea that its ok that there are unknowns in my life. I told a friend of mine today that I feel pliable. Like silly putty. Yep, I just equated the most intimate and important relationship in my life to a ball of malleable goo. Hope God finds my sense of humor charming and delightful...
February 14, 2006
Love is in the Air

So I didn't cry myself to sleep tonight. Or call all my single friends and have a man-hating session. I've never been that kind of a girl. My night was filled with laughter. I went to a friends house and played phase 10. Its this card game that takes hours to play. And there is a point in the game no matter what time you are playing, that you've played so long that everything makes you giggle. It's true. It's happened every time I've played. The game isn't really that exciting, there are "phases" you have to pass to get to "phase 10" and win the game. It's the trash talk that's the best part. There were six of us, three guys, three girls. And I had an absolute blast. Everyone was talkin' smack and it just got more hilarious as time went by.
For me the best part of tonight was just laughing with, and sometimes at, everybody. I have some very funny friends and they make me laugh constantly. Although every once in a while a not-too-lady-like word would pop into my head when things got tense, and one time, one small word slipped out and everyone busted into laughter. I think from the shock of me saying it along with the expression on my face that I'd just let that slip. Oops. And probably the fact that I turned a very interesting shade of purple after said remark.
February 13, 2006
The Day After
I knew someone was going to be hurt today, I just didn't think it would be me. Or that I'd be the one doing the hurting.
February 12, 2006
Congratulations, It's A...Church!
February 08, 2006
Goofy Girls
Oh, those Miller girls, they're SO dramatic...
February 07, 2006
C is for Calcium
Thank you.
February 06, 2006
In all the drama that is swirling around me, I've not run away. I've not left the Ring. Don't get me wrong, I've been getting slammed lately. Heh, look at this past month's posts. Heartache and tears. Struggle, fights, confusion, worry. And throughout all of it, my King still wants me. I'm weary and broken and He still wants me!! What a thought. I know what He wants me to do. I'm to trust and wait. The life I want I already have, I just get lost in the mire. My favorite book of all time is Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. It's a story about a guy named Christian. There's a picture in one of the books I have of Christian in the Slough of Despond. He's absolutely covered in mud, trudging through the mire, the mud pulling at his clothes and his face contorted with the effort of walking through it with his burden on his back. And then a guy named Help comes along...
Wherefore Christian was left to tumble in the Slough of Despond alone; but still he endeavored to struggle to that side of the slough that was farthest from his own house, and next to the wicket-gate; the which he did, but could not get out because of the burden that was upon his back: but I beheld in my dream, that a man came to him, whose name was Help, and asked him what he did there.
CHRISTIAN: Sir, said Christian, I was bid to go this way by a man called Evangelist, who directed me also to yonder gate, that I might escape the wrath to come. And as I was going thither, I fell in here.
HELP: But why did not you look for the steps?
CHRISTIAN: Fear followed me so hard that I fled the next way, and fell in.
HELP: Then said he, Give me thing hand: so he gave him his hand, and he drew him out, Psalm 40:2, and he set him upon sound ground, and bid him go on his way.
So I'm exhausted, I'm weary, and I'm broken. But I'm His. And though it absolutely drives me crazy to not know what is around the corner for me, I'll still trust Him and wait for Him. He's my love, and I will trust Him and wait.
Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:4 NIV.
February 04, 2006
You're Only A Day Away...

Ah, good times.
February 03, 2006
Give Up Already!
We had dinner, of course it was Chinese. I hadn't seen her in months. She wanted to know what I'd been up to since I'd last seen her. Of course my big news was the ring community church launch. Then I told her about my ginormous cg and the girls in it who absolutely have my heart, emailing the prayer requests and cg announcements, running the words on the screen at the ring, 5:45 prayer and 30 days. And that was just the ring. Then there's my full time job that has me traveling all over the state, the state office fundraiser in April where I'm responsible for the silent auction, doing the format for the newsletter, and my new responsibilities as webmaster for the state website. Throw in a little medical mystery, and my inability to guard my heart, and I've got a very full, very confused plate. Then there's my own personal relationship with Him. He's still there, but I'm going in so many directions that I put Him and me on the backburner. Like I'll get around to repairing my faltering relationship with the Love of my Life when I've got time. I've relegated the God of the Universe to a to-do list.
She said I'd lost some of my sparkle. She said I used to be full of joy and not that it is gone, it's just not as evident as it used to be. I'd agree with that. I feel like I need to pace myself with everything I'm involved in, and I've not done too good of a job with it. So I need to give up some things. Realize that although I would love to help, I am not the only one with two hands who can help out. It's not about me. How did I get to the point where I thought it was? And why are there so many Is in this story? God forgive me for the selfishness I am so easily attracted to.
February 01, 2006
Much Too Selfish

(And clearly I need to add whiny to the list as well...)