This morning I was getting dressed for my day, thinking about all the things I needed to do for work. I want to dye my hair, what someone wears to a cinco de mayo party, you know, the really important things in life. Then I started talking. Big surprise, I know. I'm talking to God about all the stuff going down in our community groups. Everyone is having trouble of some sort. And not just the, o it's finals week, kind of trouble. There's serious pain and heartache going on everywhere I turn. Sometimes it's written in their faces, sometimes it's a quiet word when I ask them how they are. But it's there, plain as day.
A few months back, individuals within our body were getting slammed. Now I think the attention is being focused on our community groups and trying to tear those apart. So I was asking God for His continued strength and guidance in everyone's lives so we can not only make it, we can grow from this experience and thrive in His awesome power.
And do you know what that superb and wonderful Man did? Well, He gave me one verse (John 16:33) that just lit up my whole face...
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
So now I'm grinning like a Cheshire cat because I know exactly what He's going to do and continue doing. And I'm so excited I can barely sit still. What an awesome God we serve!!
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