I don't want to be "that girl." You know, the one who shoves Texas down everybody's throat. But since its a western theme, I was wondering how to incorporate that into our party invitations. My sister has these Texas longhorn cards that are great, but expensive. So I figure, hey, I can make something like this. So I go to School Aids, a teacher supply store, and walk around. Just browsing really. I know what I want, I just need to find it. So I'm dilly-dallying around the store and tah-dah! I find exactly what I need. The cowboy hats in various colors, red, beige, and brown. Ok, I've got the flair, now I need something to write the party information on. Hmm. So I continue walking around and once again, find exactly what I'm looking for. Big tags that have already been hole punched. I just need to punch holes in the hats, get some leather or gingham ribbon to tie them with, and bam! A fantastic party invite...
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