May 06, 2006

Uh, Nope, Not Me

Last night I went to a Cinco De Mayo party. I brought a friend of mine and her three year old daughter with me. Actually I asked her earlier in the week to come with me because it was going to be a new social environment for me and I turn into a shy wallflower. I usually head to the nearest corner and just watch people. I'm trying to discipline myself out of that, but it takes practice on my part. So to head that off at the pass, I asked her to ride with me.

We go to the party. It's a lot of fun. I knew a lot of the people, just not enough to where I could sit there and chit chat for extended periods of time. So I immersed myself in the world of the kids. They were easy to please. Run around with them, play, dance, we just had a jolly old time. I could sound silly, act like a goofball, and twirl and whirl around with them. Knowing that the more I let my guard down and relaxed the more fun they, as well as I, would have. And it was true! I had a blast with them!

Around 9:30, I was ready to hit the hay so we piled back into my car. On the way home, we were rocking out to Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, and the like. So I'm belting out Unforgettable and she says, "Allison, you have a beautiful voice. I love it!" I shrug her off. Politely, but shrug her off all the same. It reminded me of when we were driving back home from Mexico and she said I could sing. I don't think I can sing. But that still doesn't stop her from every Sunday night asking me when I'll be up on stage so she can here me sing. It's a running joke between her and I. She's serious about liking my voice, and I'm serious about how it'll take a heck of a lot more courage than this mere mortal has to get up there on stage again. I'll go up there the first time the Ring has Talent Night...

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