There are people in my life that God uses to communicate to me. (And I'm trying to watch my use of semantics here because Sunday night the topic was how people use the phrase "God told me..." too off-the-cuff sometimes.) Anyways, some of my friends have fabulous relationships with God. Among those friends, there are a few who I lean on specifically. I value their opinion and perspectives because when I'm having a bad day, need a word of encouragement, or some wisdom splashed in my face, they do it. They call me out with grace and love. They cheer me on when I'm worn out. I respect them. I love them. They brighten my day. I don't throw them up on a pedestal, or I try not to anyway. I can just see by the way they live their lives that they have a healthy relationship with the God of the Universe. When they have something to say about my life or whatever, I listen.
Well, I just got an email from one of them. It only had a few sentences...
Isaiah 22:23
"I will drive him like a peg into a firm place;
he will be a seat of honor for the house of his father."
This is one of those verses that might be taken out of context,
but was given to me by the H.S., specifically for you.
(and by HS I mean Holy Spirit).
"I will drive him like a peg into a firm place;
he will be a seat of honor for the house of his father."
This is one of those verses that might be taken out of context,
but was given to me by the H.S., specifically for you.
(and by HS I mean Holy Spirit).
This person was praying for me this past weekend and God gave them this verse. About me. I'm still a little awed that God talks about me with other people. And that people pray for me. It's incredibly humbling and takes my breath away a little bit. Anyways, so I change the him to her and he to she. Wow. I'm a peg! That's wonderful! I'd much rather be a peg then a feather. Think about a feather. They float off willy-nilly and you never know where they are going or where they will end up. But to be a peg?! Sigh, that just sounds so nice to me. And yes, I realize that pegs have to be driven into the ground. But I'm up for it if that's what He's going to do. Who am I to argue with God?
Thank you for the prayer. Anything else I could try and say would just sound flippant to me. So I'll just stick with a humble thank you.
And...I laughed out loud when I read your last comment. Ah, my nemesis, that Easy Mac. The irony is that I truly do enjoy a steaming bowl of mac and cheese. O well.
Allison.... Easy Mac is... easy to make. Maybe before I leave I should give you a lesson on making the easiest meal ever.
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