Alright about three months ago I got a myspace page thingy. I don't know how to use it. I don't know how to add you as my friend. I did it because a few friends of mine from Texas got pages and said I should get one too. Since I'm a lemming, I got one. But only because I wanted to say Howdy to them and see their pages, lives, etc.
Turns out, apparently the whole lot of you have myspace spaces. The thing is, now when I see you, what are we going to talk about? All you have to do is check this or my myspace page to see what's going on in my life.
Speaking of my myspace, let me clarify:
One-Yes, Lanie, you're right. I'm hoping to avoid "Hey, how you doin'?" through myspace.
Two-Of course you're my friend, I just don't know how to add you.
Three-I wanted Joe's Bad Boys song as my profile song, but it wouldn't ever work, so I settled.
Four-No, I won't be putting up more pictures to "celebrate my hotness." I might be the only female representing the skinny fine club, but seriously, I'm so sure.
Five-Commenting on my blog or myspace in no way fills the friendship quota you have with me. I need to spend time with you, hear your voice, and/or see you to maintain the quality friendship you and I have. And don't you forget it.
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