what a lovely ending to my night...
June 29, 2007
i see the moon...
what a lovely ending to my night...
June 27, 2007
Punkin Could Use Some Help
We just evict their parents...
i miss my dad. for lots of reasons. one of them is being readily available to help me when i don't know how to do something. sigh. oh well, he's just a phone call and 18 hours away...
June 26, 2007
Records I would spin...
Here is Our King - David Crowder Band
Every Time I Breathe - Big Daddy Weave
Holding On to You - Paul Colman
Reaching - Leeland
(had to. one, they are from Texas. two, their lyrics are slammin'.)
The Hand that Holds the World - Starfield
Into the Day - Bebo Norman
Praise and Adore - Wavorly
(stunning lyrical reminder of who He is
and our calling to tell others of Him)
Picture Perfect* - Michael W. Smith
Fingerprints of God* - Steven Curtis Chapman
Something Beautiful* - Natalie Grant
Happy* - Ayiesha Woods
I think girls need to realize how lovely He made them.
Especially around that age...)
June 25, 2007
Man who would be Different...
You see, coming from my background, marriage isn't exactly something I'm just itchin' to jump into. I think they take commitment, trust, all those very adult words that in the end mean two people, as well as God, decided that we are better serving Him together than alone. And yeah, for all my nerves over the mere idea of the sanctity of marriage, there is an ever increasing amount of hope that one day, maybe, I'll get to support a man who God has chosen for me.
In the meantime, I write him letters. Its nothing sweepingly romantic. Just me and my heart talking to him. Little things that like wondering if he's having a good day. If we've met before. If we'll meet in 5 years. How long God is going to continue preparing us for each other before He tells him to care for me. And no, I'm not posting one on here. They aren't for you. They are for him. And me. Like this blog. Its for our kids. Assuming by the time we have some the internet is still up and running and there's not some new fangled way to read about whats going on in everybody's world...
Plenty of Pictures...
Well Sunday she gives it to him. He liked it. A lot. He might or might not have teared up as he flipped through the pages of memories that she’d caught the edge of with her camera. I think because our family moved around so much we learned to pack light and bring only the most important things with us. I don’t have a lot of furniture or nicknacks, mostly just a few things that have been passed down from my parents or grandparents. A set of mini Japanese vases from my mother, a grandfather clock (from my father’s grandfather), a Princess Diana doll... But I have pictures. Boy oh boy do I have pictures.
Theres something magical about them. Pictures freeze time. Nowadays time is rarely a servant and more often a master. But not with pictures. You can see my mom on a camel with the pyramids of Giza behind her. (One of these days I’ll recreate that shot). Dad when he was my age, me and my bald head till I was two. Or my sister with her Junior Ms. West Texas Crown…
So I’d encourage you to stop and smell the roses. And maybe even take a picture of them. You never know who will cherish them as much as you do…
June 23, 2007
Neighbors, Cakes, and Pies...
Approval Addict...
the idea of not being a lady was whispered into the quiet corners of my heart. it's been planted, taken root, and bloomed. i've been trying to please everybody. (wow, that hurts just typing). i used to love people without even thinking about it, knowing that loving others was an expression of my love for Him. Now all my motives are is to make sure whatever it is i'm saying, doing, wearing, isn't giving a whiff of offense to my friends, church leadership, coworkers, anyone who has ever met me. its really hard. no lie. i say things then think o gosh, did they take that the wrong way? do i need to apologize? have i gotten someone in trouble? how do i fix this? etc.
in the midst of that God has been awesome. i love my house. i like to bake. my job keeps me busy. i know i'm not meant to be leadership. but its been nice that Courtney let me help with the kids. i'd been paying it lip service cuz i don't think i'm experienced or equipped to teach them but two weeks ago was great (when i got to tell the story).
i went to the archery field after work this afternoon. its right down the road from my house so its my place for quiet time with Him. i cried a lot today. then asked, begged, Him to talk to me through His word. This is what I got: Isaiah 56:3-7.
"The LORD will surely exclude me from his people."
And let not any eunuch complain,
"I am only a dry tree."
4 For this is what the LORD says:
"To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths,
who choose what pleases me
and hold fast to my covenant-
5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls
a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
6 And foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD
to love the name of the LORD,
and to worship him,
all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it
and who hold fast to my covenant-
7 these I will bring to my holy mountain
and give them joy in my house of prayer.
June 22, 2007
You Know My Name...
And that I was on your mind the day you died
Help me imagine, this is not my home
And some day I’ll be resting by your side
Help me remember the day you won my heart
And you paid my way to freedom with your love
Help me imagine the beauty of this gift
A grace that I am so unworthy of
But you’ll never let me fall away from you
You know my name
You know my story
Still you’ve taken on the world
Just for me
I am amazed that you hear me speaking
You listen close to every word I say
Who am I to be loved this way?
You know my name
If I rise, if I fall
My only hope is this
That you’d be with me everyday
Who am I to be loved this way?
artist: detour 180 - song: you know my name - album: fighting for you
June 21, 2007
My Middle Name...
The times God is amazing in my life are usually followed by Satan picking a fight. And I don't think thats special treatment for me. I think he does that with everyone. I've always wanted to fight in that last battle mentioned in Revelation. I don't necessarily have to punch him. I'd rather shoot a few of his dang minions. Lately he's pulled out some old wounds, (trust), and some new ones, (that I'll mess up God's plan).
So. Let's take a look around my life, shall we? I love my new house. I like to come home, take off my shoes, go walk to check the mail, sit in the rocking chair on my porch, think about how I need to mow the lawn.
There's my new acquired baking passion. I love baking. Its relaxing. Let's me be OCD by using measurements, but still allowing me to use my creativity.
There's my roomies. Gosh they make my life full of laughter. They get to see all the crazy that comes with my curls. They encourage me in a million ways that even I with all my talkativeness couldn't express in words. They are also women in leadership at my church. Which is kind of intimidating but they push me to a closer relationship with Him.
My mom, dad, sister, and bil are healthy.
I have a job that I don't think about when I come home. I work my hours, then that's it.
I follow my heart. I think people I love know I love them. I always think like if this was my last day on earth, would you know I loved you? Then let my heart respond accordingly. I should probably be more guarded and less of a tenderfoot, but I was made to love. I think as Christians we all are. Guarded makes me closed off. To where no one knows the real me.
So, here's praising Him for the good when your heart is banged up. Its not the most shiny and newest of sacrifices but its the only one I have to give Him.
June 20, 2007
I said I was having a hard time emotionally over the past two months. She recommended I back away from my church, get a part-time job, meet some new people and reminded me that I was alone. Mmm. Don't get me wrong, my mom has been very influential in helping shape who I am. She introduced me to Jesus. I'll always be grateful for that. I love her. And she loves me. But I've fallen short. Not so much that I'm a complete failure, I just don't quite measure up. Hair's too short, skin's too pale, still in Baton Rouge, don't make enough money, not a wife, still a part of the Ring. I'm almost a beauty. But not quite.
This week has been a bit of a refresher course that I don't measure up. I've gotten like 47 things wrong. This ain't no pity party. The only one who can claim responsibility for it is me. It stings but its true. I'm not below average intelligence. I complicate things. It doesn't start out that way, I just end up sticking my foot in my mouth. What is that saying about the road to hades being paved with good intentions?
I think its gotten worse as I've gotten older. There have been a ton of examples where the consequences of my mouth have hurt myself or ones I love. The newest examples are the hardest. Where I've damaged friendships that I held close, and I'm not a lady anymore to a group of people I respect. Oh, that one still hurts sometimes. All of it just reminds me of the selfishness that stares me in the face when I look in the mirror.
I might not be a lady, a wife, a perfect 10 in this world, but I'm worth something. My Lord thinks so. He made me the way I am. Even with my naive heart and foolish mouth...
He who created you, O Jacob,
He who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.
Isaiah 43:1
June 19, 2007
So what does a girl do when the world is pouring raindrops? Literally and figuratively? This one takes a bath. Till her fingertips look like prunes. And my skin turns red. (I have two skin tones. Red and clear. Haha.) Anyways, we have a shower cd/radio so I was listening to it and a song came on with a lyric that says "Your beloved needs you now." Right after that lyric is done, the signal fades because of the storm outside.
Beloved. What does that mean? I was talking to God about it. I wonder if He gets tired of me talking. Or thinking. Or chasing every little rabbit with Him. Or asking a million questions a mile a minute. I'm not sure what being a beloved entails or looks like. Dictionary.com says beloved is a person greatly loved; dear to the heart.
I am one of God's beloved. Beloved. It has a nice ring to it. And I know I'll always be that to Him. I can't ever ruin that. With my issues, or questions, or inexperience. What a lovley idea. He loves me. Loves to spend time with me, listen to my voice, just sit in comfortable silence. Even when He's correcting me, He always treats me kindly. He's gentle. Treats me like a teacup, not a gatorade bottle.
Ok, for not knowing what its like to be someone's beloved, He's slowly gotten me used to the idea that its ok to be loved.
Mmm. That God. You'd think He was trying to teach me something...
Food Poisoning...
Last night I was with Carla at Target. We were walking out of the store and I got a funny feeling. Can't really describe it. Just a notion that something was going on and I didn't have all the facts yet. So I tell Carla. I've got a weird feeling. Like what? I'm not sure. Hmm...
We drive home. Carla is housesitting so she dropped me off, grabbed some stuff then left. Courtney's car is a bit whomper-jawed in the driveway. She didn't pull all the way into it. I thought, silly girl, she could have pulled up...
I walk into the house. It's real quiet. Courtney? Yeah? Just by the way she says yeah I know somethings wrong. She's hurting. I come into her room, and look around for her. She's there and looking like death warmed over. “I have food poisoning.”
I'm blessed enough to have had food poisoning before. Its pretty much one of the worst feelings ever. You never know how its going to hit you and there’s not really much you can do about it. You just have to let it run its course.
Its time for bed. We tuck in for the evening. (Sidenote: I sleep like the dead. Unless someone needs to be cared for. Then I'm a super light sleeper.) Sometime in the night I hear Court get up. Are you ok? “I'm freezing.” Ok, she has chills. I jump out of bed and go hunting for all the blankets we have in the house. I figure if she has chills she's going to have fever and will need to sweat it off. The bed gets loaded down with blankets and pillows fluffed. Ready for her to rest. I go back to bed.
Around 2:30 this morning I can hear her coughing. Ok, coughing doesn't need my assistance. I lay there listening to every sound to make sure she doesn't need me. Then I hear "Allison." That tone takes me back. It is the tone of voice my sister used to get when she was throwing up. When we were little, Leanne used to get sick a lot. (Heavy metal poisoning.) I learned how to take care of someone who is vomiting. After you do it so much you learn to curb your gag reflex because someone else needs your care and attention at the moment. You can barf, just do it on your own time...
Court was definitely throwing up. (It was strange how easy I fell back into the vomit routine. I went around the house pulling things without even thinking.) I go get a glass of water, a cool cloth for her face, and some crackers. Took the trashcan out of my room, gave it a new bag then placed it by her bed. Asked her if she wanted to take a bath and she said not yet. She was feeling real weak and didn't want to pass out. But she sounded so much better after she threw up. Thats the thing with food poisoning, once its out of your system, you're weak but definitely on the mend.
It was hard to watch her hurt but I’m thankful He let us go through that together. Its been a while since I’ve been able to serve Court. The last time I held her hair back while she yacked we were at Canes...
June 18, 2007
Mary and Martha...
Then there are my Martha moments. I think Martha gets a bit of a bum rap with this story. She had her priorities a little off, but I don't think it was the end of the world. Holy moly, when I get to serve someone, I love it. And yeah, there is opportunity for worry when you are rushing around trying to fix everything, care for everyone, keep every duck in its row.
I wonder what happened after Jesus gently called her name and reminded her to rest. Did she slow down? Did she look into His eyes and feel her heart beat immediately calm like the ripple on a quiet summer lake?
I guess I'm a bit of a mutt. Little bit of Mary, little bit of Martha, but all of my heart completely His.
June 16, 2007
PB Cookie Sandwiches...
Today it was a peanut butter cookie sandwich. Hmm. I knew I had some peanut butter cookie mix, but the only icing I had was cream cheese icing. Wasn't sure how well those flavors would work together. The older I get the more I like flavors that are kind of light and sweet. Don't get me wrong I'll eat a piece of pecan pie any day of the week, but I'm not brave enough to try pie yet. I'm sticking to basic baked goods right now.
So the cookies are a peanut butter bag mix and some can vanilla frosting. But I tweaked it. (I really just can't leave stuff well enough alone.) I made the cookies 1/2 the recommended size, then took a mixer to the icing to make it more soft and fluffy. I really enjoyed making them today.
I like baking. Weird.
P.S. Courtney ate all the extra ones I had left. She asked me to make them for her wedding.
June 15, 2007
Juicy Fruit
Charity is the greatest gift from God.
Charity is about giving of oneself.
When Jesus died on the cross, it wasn't about anything other than Charity.
As C.S. Lewis described it, it is a glimpse
of the perfect happiness of heaven that leads us to desire heaven.
as well as remaining in good conscience before God.
one's own gifts and goods with others.
It is the opposite of both gluttony and envy.
to allow provocations to go unanswered.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Cor 13:4-7
June 12, 2007
Secondhand Solos...
As I was going over the songs, picking and choosing age appropriate, fun songs we know, I came across my first adult solo I sang. It's called the Potter's Hand. I was helping with worship in the sunday morning overflow service in the gym. Extremely long story as to how I got roped into that. I had signed up to help as backup, not solos. Moving on...
I remember wearing flats cuz I knew I was going to shake. I'm like a leaf in the wind when I'm scared. I think its part of the reason God being steady is one of my favorite attributes of His. Haha. So silly. Anyways, my parents came to hear me. The music begins very softly, and then I chime in. O gosh. Just typing it takes me back. I remember thinking, ok, God, its just You and me here. I hope You like this, because its a very insufficient offering. (What can I say, my God is worth my best effort.) Deep breath, and sing...
I don't remember what I sounded like. After I was done, everyone chimed in and we sang the song through. I remember my dad being upset. He wanted me to sing the whole song alone, not have everyone else involved... My dad. He thinks I'm beautiful and can do pretty much anything. Thats one of the perks of being a dad I guess. You get to think your children are the most splendid little wonders. Which is fine. I fully believe he's a superhero.
Its very cool that God can have random things show up in your life that spark a memory, a face you love, or some blessing that came out of nowhere...
June 10, 2007
Storytelling and Solomon...
Every two weeks we have kids community group. We tell a bible story, play a game, color, etc. I help out with the wee little ones. Not babies, the K-2 group. As I was going over the material this week I kept thinking, wow I want to tell this story. I hope I get to tell this story. Do I have the courage to ask if I can tell this story? I don't usually tell the story. But this was different. This was the story of Solomon. I heart him. I love the book of Proverbs so I was itchin' to see if I could talk to the kids about the decision he made.
I asked Courtney if I could be the backup storyteller if our main storyteller doesn't show. We have someone who is a great storyteller. She's animated and excitable and just oozes fun. Court was going to text her that I was going to tell the bible story today. I told her HECK NO DON'T TELL HER! I'll just be backup and if she doesn't show, I'll do it.
Long story short, I got to do the story! I was totally praying through it. For 30 seconds to 4 minutes I'll be talking to those little ones about God. That's a big deal to me. I just kept asking that He talk through me. I mean, I can talk to a rock, but talking to children about God is such a bigger deal to me than shooting the bull with a rock.
So I take a deep breath and start talking to my audience. One boy and one girl. I begin talking about who Solomon's dad is (King David), what part of the bible Solomon's story is in (Old Testament), and then I get into his story. When I told them how he became a king, the little girl told me that kings take care of their people, and have to make decisions that would benefit and protect them. I tell her that is absolutely right, thinking inside, dang, she's spot on on the definition of a king. I then tell them both how he became king when he was just a few years older than they were, how God came to him in a dream and said because of his father's faithfulness He was going to give him whatever he asked for. Solomon didn't pick riches or strength or anything like that. He picked wisdom. And because of his desire to want to do the right thing, God gives him wealth, a large family, and a long reign. The little girl perks up again, looks at me earnestly with her little brow furrowed and says, So when God gave Solomon that extra stuff, its like a bonus round in a video game? My response, Absolutely! Solomon asked for one thing and God gave him a big bonus of riches, family, etc.
My story was finished and after a few minutes Courtney asked them what they had learned that night. Oh, my heart was pounding through my chest! If they said, I don't know, or I forgot, I might start crying. Do you know what they said? They told Solomon's story! I could barely believe it. Even my little guy who is here, there, and everywhere said he learned about wisdom and how wisdom is making a good choice. I don't think my feet were touching the ground afterwards...
I'm not sure how much God uses pop culture references, but I love that He let me talk to those little ones about Him tonight. The night continued to be good. We said goodbye to our worship leader for kids cg. The band was slammin'. As usual. I saw lots of faces I cherish and heard a sermon that made me think and ask myself some tough questions. All in all, it was a great night!
June 02, 2007
Happy beginnings...
Courtney was my very lovely date. It was a bit far out of town so we left from work. She's putting on her makeup while I'm trying to figure out how to not get lost. But we made it to the church. Lots of little things brought a smile to my face that night...
The first was being escorted. Ok, in some things I'm confident as the day is long. Walking up an aisle by myself to a wedding is not exactly my idea of a good time. Court and I get to the beginning of the sanctuary. Court steps back cuz she doesn't want to be escorted. I lift my chin, smile with all the courage I can muster, and take the ushers arm...
He assumes we are on the grooms side. I gently reply that we are on the brides side, but appreciate the assumption that we'd be on the right hand side. The usher was the brides brother so we chitchatted up the aisle. Court disappears about halfway up the aisle. Um, ok. So he sits me down next to someone's mom. Not the brides. Just someones mom...
A little later Court comes to join me. Nothing like sitting there in a room full of people by yourself. A few strangers come sit with us. They were from Houston, he had taught in London, so we talked about Texas and London, etc. It was good times.
Then the wedding started. Everyone was beautiful. The women were lovely in a blushing pink strapless gown. The men very dashing in their tuxedos. And the bride was breathtaking...
Things that made me grin and tear up was when the groom came to meet his bride at the bottom of the few stairs the sanctuary had. He came bounding down the stairs. Not a goofy kind of run down the stairs. You could just see he was excited to be getting down to take her hand from her father and begin their life together. It was so great.
Then there was when they had just finished the ring part of the ceremony. They lowered their hands to listen to the officiant talk. But they kept them together. While the officiant is talking, he is rubbing her hand with his thumb. I don't even think he realized he was doing it. And that made it all the more sweet.
And of course their first kiss as husband and wife. Actually it wasn't even the kiss that made it stick out in my mind. I mean it was a wonderful kiss. But it was the second before it that made it special. She was literally glowing with happiness and smiling when the "I now pronounce..." part came up. She grinned into his eyes, kind of giggled a little, and he gently cupped her face and kissed her. Sigh... It was beautiful. Plain as that.
The reception was grand. There was a jazz band, food and lots of friends and family. There were a few antics of random dance moves from people as well as laugh out loud reactions to the garter toss and bouquet throw. Then a sendoff full of well wishes and bubbles...

All in all it was a wonderful way to watch a new beginning of something God had done. It was very cool to see that He had a hand in that night coming together...
Bake me a bug...