So I just got off a conference call with my mom and my sister. We are planning a girl's weekend the first weekend in March. But there's a lot of runaround going on. It boils down to we all want to go to somewhere we've never been. So I connected all of us in a conference call. During the conversation, my mom starts asking me about flash drives, Leanne says we're speaking greek because she's not good with computers, my mom isn't either when I come to think of it. But they both call me when they have tech problems. It's the blind leading the blind. In the middle of this conversation, my mom says, can I help you with your wedding dress? Insert pregnant awkward silence. I'm not married, betrothed, attached, or spoken for. My sister on the other hand, totally is. In fact, she's got a year of my alma mater on her left ring finger. So Leanne says, Allison? I start laughing because the idea is ridiculous. Which then leads her to believe that there is someone in my life. And then it just snowballs from there. I began the call as a single older sister and hung up engaged.
Oh, those Miller girls, they're SO dramatic...
Drama can be so dramatic, :) even the goofy kind. ec
Wow Kirk,
I think you've put more thought into my wedding than I have. But I laughed as I read your comment so thank you for that.
i will be happy to do that for you one day! :)
Wow, Kirk really said everything I wanted to say. I don't understand why you're being such a stumbling block to the body, but whatever. If you can live with yourself I guess we'll just wait.
I could dj. Hope everyone likes Cameo!
Word Up!
I love that we all have the spiritual gift of beating a dead horse.
I can do flowers and a veil. With some time maybe even a dress. So I 'll take measurements tonight at the prayer meeting and we can pick out fabric tomorrow. You really need to get busy on your end of this deal missy.
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