May 31, 2006
Knowledge is Power?!
Let Us Bake Bread Together
Later, Sarah and Courtney go in the kitchen to make the brownie sundaes. Its kind of quiet in the kitchen. And I know what that kind of silence means. It's the silence of, "These aren't done, but we're too polite to tell her." So I say, "Ok, they aren't done are they?" The girls both chirp up, "O they are perfect for ice cream!" Which means they are still gooey on the bottom.
May 30, 2006
Thoughts of a Random Nature
When I was in Toronto (age 17) a bird pooped on my head. I was standing underneath a crosswalk sign and plop!
I truly wish I could cook. Instead I eat stuff out of boxes. (Gotta keep my girlish figure.)
I can juggle.
I hate feeling stupid, but will act like a clown if it makes you smile.
I am shy.
I find it odd that I don't use my bible on Monday nights.
I hate pictures of myself.
I like watching cartoons. No, I'm not too old for them.
I can fake athleticism.
One of my nicknames is Robin.
May 28, 2006
The Four Loves
Now, Alli, doesn't know Dan. But she's not the type to reject and hurt someone just because she doesn't know him. So she agrees to go out with him. Why not? He could be just what her heart needs. Speaking of Alli's heart, its taken. Two have ownership of it. One of them is the MAN. God. Jesus. The Alpha and Omega definitely has a home there. She's His.
They sit down and the first question he asks her is How's school? Alli is not in school. She hasn't been in school for three years. So he's doing the math in his head, "So you were in college in ninety-" Alli cuts him off here saying she started college in 2000 and graduated in three years.
The rest of the lunch revealed his age: 36. His location: Central. His work ethic: I work all the time and have no time or interest in anything else. His temper: I get mad real quick. It's almost unbelievable how mad I'll get in such a short amount of time. His family relationships: (This is where he unloads about his dad. People just unload on Alli a lot, not too sure why that is..) His previous marriages: Two. His outlook on Texas: Hates it.
Towards the end of the lunch, they are talking about movies. He lists a few, Scarface, Godfather, etc. Alli says she hasn't seen any of those, all this "clean living" she does. Alli cracks jokes to get her point across that they are so different there's not a snowballs chance in Hades that this will ever happen again.
Turns out Dan could not be more attracted to Alli's innocence. In fact, while Alli thinks this is a valid reason for them to never hang out again, Dan appears to think the exact opposite. He very much wants Alli to come over to his place one night and "watch a movie." He says there's nothing wrong with clean living and he could teach her a lot of things.
At that comment, Alli decides she has to pee like her life depends on it. She ducks into the loo to pray for a lightning bolt to strike her dead right then and there so this will be over. No such luck. There's thunder rolling outside, but that's about it.
Alli comes back to the table and he pays and walks her to her car. He makes a wisecrack about how her job must be keeping her comfortable to afford such a nice car. He opens the door and then uses his body to block the door. Alli, meanwhile, is thinking, O God, please don't let him try to kiss her. (Alli's self-defense is passive-aggressiveness. She'll let anyone do whatever, but then she'll hate herself for it.) So she's almost resigned herself to the fact that her first kiss is going to be from a man so completely her opposite that its a miracle they've met on the same planet.
Then something surprising happens. A tiny part of her takes up for herself. Alli puts her purse and jacket in her lap. Building a wall of stuff to discourage any type of leaning in. Then she sticks her elbow out to use part of her body to discourage any type of contact.
Meanwhile, he's still talking about clean living and how she should come over to his place sometime this week. When he reaches down to shake her hand, she flinches, shakes hands, and then grabs the door, shuts it and drives away.
There's a reason why Alli doesn't date. Clearly she's not too good at it. And there's no way she's kissing anybody on the first date. She doesn't like to be touched and buying her lunch, dinner, a new house, does not give anybody the right to "watch a movie" with her.
Three girls came up to me tonight and said that they'd had the strangest urge to call me this afternoon but didn't. Next time, ladies, CALL ME. You never know what situation I've gotten myself into.
The one thing that I dislike the most about this "date" was that he didn't give one whit about my heart. I was just an object, not something to be cherished, just something to be used until the next attraction came by. I hate that I allowd him to make me feel that way.
God's got a pure love for me. He tells me daily. I honestly don't know if I'll end up a wife, it's certainly not on my to-do list under "buy milk." If its His will that I make some man the happiest man on earth, fantastic. I'd consider it an honor, hopefully having a blast while doing it. But I want my life above all else to show a life full of a love for Him. He is enough for me. In fact, He's my everything. He doesn't have to buy me dinner. I know He cares for and protects my heart. And for me, its all in the knowing.
May 27, 2006
Courtney's Blog
Or you can just click here...
Play nice and leave her a comment please. She'd love it...
May 26, 2006
Shake Your Groove Thang
May 25, 2006
My Interview
And today was interview number two. And its the second time I heard "overqualified." God's got something out there for me, I'm just trying to be as involved in the whole process as much as possible.
But I wouldn't mind if He just laid a job in my lap. Ha ha.
May 24, 2006
Lean on You
So thanks. And I love you too.
May 23, 2006
Minimum Exposure
And now we're off to go get hot fudge brownies....yum....
Beautiful Somehow
I wear dresses I wear jeans
I've even been known to wear my heart on my sleeve
I'm just your average kid next door
A plain simple mystery
I'm a self-proclaimed daddy's girl
With my share of idiosyncrasies
I'm just fine
I see a smile from Heaven
My father's proud
And I know that I am simply, fearfully, and wonderfully
Made in you
You make it beautiful somehow
I've got old-fashioned sensibilities
I believe chivalry still exists
And I can be a princess
Even when there ain't no prince
So what if I'm right brained
I've got half a mind to disagree
I would rather write the book
Than go and read the movie
So even when I may not rhyme
You always give me reason
Every day, every way
Got my elbows on the table
My mind up in the clouds
I know I'm getting better
I can almost hear You laugh out loud
The more I trust in You
The more I find
What You create is no mistake
It's purpose by design
Beautiful somehow
That is what You do
Beautiful somehow
Beautiful in You
Eh, Put It On My Tab
Today I did something I've never done before. At the ripe old age of 24, I've stopped payment on a check. (Insert horrific gasp or guffaw here.) And it's not a fun experience for me. I'm responsible, I know how to do math. Ok, so calculus 3 makes me scratch my head, but basic adding and subtracting I know how to do. Or so I thought.
Timing has never been my forte...
May 22, 2006
Ministers and MTV Interns
A Square Table
I go to Sunday school. In fact, I go to a college Sunday school class. Am I in college? Nope. Have I just graduated? Far from it. But I go to this class because its well, kind of like my Camelot. There are only five or six of us. We aren't knights, but valiant hearts abound in that room. We don't solve the worlds problems and the tables we sit around are square, not round, but I truly enjoy my Sunday mornings. We talk about God stuff. Life stuff. God and life stuff. I like it. The questions and discussions encourage and push me to put into words my beliefs and what my relationship with Him is like.
The Breakup
Circumstances are hard and intimidating and I'm going to praise Him for it instead of piss and moan. Sure, my voice cracks and I shake like a leaf when overwhelmed by the thought of the unknown, but He's still faithful and constant and just the stability that I so desperately desire. He hasn't taken me out of my circumstances. And believe me I've asked Him to. A lot. And I don't think He's said no. He's just said not now. So I'm learning to trust Him even more. Or I'm trying to anyway.
Last night and this morning I heard the same song on the radio. On my drive to work today I had turned it off and was just thanking Him for me having no clue what's going on but still wanting me involved in the process. And asking Him to help me glorify Him because I don't know what the heck I'm doing or where He's leading me. I have the notion to turn the radio back on and lo and behold, its the same song I heard last night. Appropriate in my situation. (I love when He does that.) It's a song called So Long Self by MercyMe.
Well if I come across a little bit distant/It's just because I am/Things just seem to feel a little bit different/You understand/Believe it or not but life is not apparently/About me anyways/But I have met the One who really is worthy/So let me say/
/So long, self/Well, it's been fun, but I have found Somebody else/So long, self/There's just no room for two/So you are gonna have to move/So long, self/Don't take this wrong but you are wrong for me, farewell/Oh well, goodbye, don't cry/So long, self//
Stop right there because I know what you're thinking/But no we can't be friends/And even though I know your heart is breaking/This has to end/And come to think of it the blame for all of this/Simply falls on me/For wanting something more in life than all of this/Can't you see/
/Don't feel so bad (don't feel so bad)//There'll be better days (there'll be better days)//Don't go away mad (but by all means)//Just go away, go away/
May 19, 2006
My Breaking Point
I'm being slammed by my circumstances and it hurts. I'm hurt. I'm weak. And I need... Well, I don't know what I need actually. I know what I want. I want Him to sweep in and deliver me from all of this. Reading this post makes me think I need a good hug and an "It's going to be fine..." That or a swift kick to the head and a "SNAP OUT OF IT!"
How I "Deal" with God
I try to fit my God into a mold that He would have to lay down His deity for. And like it or not, I'm not that powerful. Who wants a God who obeys my will? That would be so boring and mundane. I want to live a life stuffed to the brim of Him, not me trying to stuff Him into what I think He should be. Sometimes my selfish flesh is so...fleshy.
May 18, 2006
Asking For Directions
LSU Graduation Crashing
LSU and I do not play well together.
May 17, 2006
A Baptist Nun
Holy Crap. I'm a baptist nun.
May 16, 2006
Ms. C Tees Off
Sandwiches with My Savior
Well, today we had a lunch date. I sat outside on my hammock, munched on a turkey sandwich, and told Him about my life. My birthday party, my job troubles, my family. The thing is that while I get the impression He loves hearing me lift my friends up, He also wants me to share the details about my life as well. I get self-conscious talking about me and sometimes I forget that I'm exactly what He wants to talk about.
May 15, 2006
My Space?
Turns out, apparently the whole lot of you have myspace spaces. The thing is, now when I see you, what are we going to talk about? All you have to do is check this or my myspace page to see what's going on in my life.
Speaking of my myspace, let me clarify:
One-Yes, Lanie, you're right. I'm hoping to avoid "Hey, how you doin'?" through myspace.
Two-Of course you're my friend, I just don't know how to add you.
Three-I wanted Joe's Bad Boys song as my profile song, but it wouldn't ever work, so I settled.
May 14, 2006
What God?! WHAT?!
Mother's Day?
(By the way, the Bible certainly tells this story better. Check it out here.)
May 13, 2006
Thou Shalt Not Kill
May 12, 2006
I'm No Writer
You can find anything on the internet and sure enough, someone wrote a program to publish out blogs...
The Party Invites...

May 10, 2006
Cowboys and Indians
So come to our birthday party...
When God Uses Email
Well, I just got an email from one of them. It only had a few sentences...
"I will drive him like a peg into a firm place;
he will be a seat of honor for the house of his father."
This is one of those verses that might be taken out of context,
but was given to me by the H.S., specifically for you.
(and by HS I mean Holy Spirit).
May 09, 2006
Gods' Anytime Minutes
The second non-verbal communication was when I was combing my hair in the shower. My comb caught on a cowlick. Yeah, my curls have cowlicks. Cowlicks are tangles that never go away. Whether my hair is long or short, I will always have curls and cowlicks. So I'm wrangling the comb out of the back of my hair and thinking about how God's been so amazing with me. Lately there are a lot of stressful things going on in the lives of my friends. And He's been so gracious in turning down the volume on the stress in my own life.
I love that unlike Cingular, I've got unlimited anytime minutes with God.
May 08, 2006
My Desire
I do not have a man's understanding.
3 I have not learned wisdom,
nor have I knowledge of the Holy One.
4 Who has gone up to heaven and come down?
Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of His hands?
Who has wrapped up the waters in His cloak?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is His name, and the name of His Son?
Tell me if you know!
5 "Every word of God is flawless;
He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.
6 Do not add to His words,
or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar.
7 "Two things I ask of You, O LORD;
do not refuse me before I die:
8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Proverbs 30:2-8.
A passage that is echoing through my soul at the moment.
My New Job

Saturday I came to the realization that while I'm commitment phobic, I was going to have to decide eventually. Either fully invest my time and heart here or always wonder about what my life would be like in Texas. God isn't making me choose or "telling" me what to do. It was just a decision I think He was leading me to make. Either toss in the towel and give up, or (pardon the pun) put it in drive and go to what He's doing in my life. Here's hoping I've got a lead foot and I don't brake for every little twist and turn in my life.
Drivers, take your place. On your mark, get set...
May 07, 2006
What is That?
I take a different point of view about the whole issue of romance. It doesn't exist in my world. Not like that anyway. I used to love the idea of romance growing up with my nose in a book. It's hilarious to me how romance has taken on different traits as I've gotten older. First it was a knight in shining armor fighting a dragon to win my hand. Then in high school it was knowing that someone thinks I'm beautiful whether I'm in a ball gown or a ball cap or worse yet, wearing my glasses! Now it's things like accepting the fact that I'll never be able to cook and thinking I'm all the more delightful for it. Or laughing at my jokes, and being content to just sit with me in comfortable silence. But I don't have any of those versions of romance. And you know what? It's perfectly fine with me. Can you believe it? I'm kind of surprised myself. Here's the thing. I'm romanced daily. No, it doesn't look like a movie, or sound like a novel. It's just simple day to day things that tell me that Someone loves and cares for me. I get those gentle whispers in my ear, and the brush of the wind caressing my face. Each and every day God has a new way to romance me. And it's always surprising and very unexpected in the way He does it.
I fully believe that God romances each one of us, it's just a matter of whether you're paying attention or not...
May 06, 2006
The Folks' New Ride
It's a good thing I've got a sense of humor...
Uh, Nope, Not Me
May 05, 2006
Slang is Not My Forte
Well, I did it again today. A friend of mine is graduating from high school and is going to college here in BR. So I went and bought her some stuff from her future school. I wanted to make a gift basket, but not something like a wicker basket (boring). I went to a few places and couldn't find whatever it was that I was looking for. I would know it once I saw it. I'm on my way to a craft store and epiphany! I know what I want. I'm going to get a fish bowl! Then I'll put all of her stuff in the fish bowl, wrap it in cellophane and tah-dah, a graduation gift!
May 04, 2006
Look at His Face

I've decided that along with my Texas shaped waffle maker, I'd like a puppy. No, I don't have a yard. He'd have to stay with someone else and I'd want visitation rights. I'd want to take him for walks and just enjoy nature with him. My sister thinks I should get one as a fashion accessory. Uh, no. I want a dog I can roll around with and play fetch with and get completely drenched in water trying to give him a bath in a bathtub. No tea-cup dogs for this girl. However, I also draw the line at him being so large that it takes every bit of my weight to hold him back. Higgins, for example, is like 68 pounds or something like that. Leanne doesn't walk him, he walks her. I drive a mid-size car, I want a mid-size dog.
He Told Me So
May 03, 2006
Science is So Cool!

Those Miller Girls have always been over-achievers. Truth be told, I'm really proud of her for doing the fair. And what's a little grading sheet for science projects? If I can help her, I'm up for it. The kids have made fake poo, fake barf, bogus blood. Ah, the youth of America. Science is so cool!
Turn Which Cheek?
I want to be told what to do. I want to be "advised" out of the situation. I don't want to hurt others by saying No. I want to fall on my face and sob to God cuz I don't know what I'm doing. I want the decision made for me.
I want to stop acting like the child I am.
May 02, 2006
If I Could Cook...
It's ironic that I can't cook and yet I want something directly related to cooking...
Going Once, Going Twice...
May 01, 2006
I Heart Nancy Drew
Man I loved those books when I was a little girl. Nancy Drew was great! She was smart, pretty, had lots of friends, and could solve mysteries. Her books were so much fun to read!
The Look of Success
So from the top of my head to the bottom of my pressed black slacks, I look the part. But then, the coup de grace was my shoe selection. They are FABULOUS. No, they really are! They are pink, pointy tip, but not too pointy, less than a two inch heel (professional) and they have light blue flowers embroidered on them.
My overall look says, intelligent, clean cut, pretty but not pretty enough to be a real threat to any other women I'd be working with, add that with a dash of fun because of the shoes, and I've got new hire written all over me. Yeah, the woman interviewing me...the first thing she said was, "I love your shoes!" See? It works.
As for the interview, she said I was more experienced than the girl that they'd recently hired and I'm a shoe in. It's an academic advising position. She hasn't given me all the details about it. Which will be rectified promptly when I'm at the interview. I want to know what I'm getting into.
Speaking of, I think I signed away my firstborn with all the paperwork the staffing agency made me fill out...
Nope, It's Not In There
O crap! Look at the time! I've gotta go. I've got an interview at 9am this morning...