May 17, 2006

A Baptist Nun

My sister called me a baptist nun yesterday. I busted out laughing and said "I'm not a nun, Silly!" Then she went on to explain why she thinks I'm "practically a nun anyway." She said that she was completely worldly and that I'm completely Godly. She continued on and said that I'm dedicated to my church and living my life for God. I know what she's trying to say. We live very different lifestyles and she equates a life as being "of the world" or "not of the world." My response? Yes, we are very different Fatty, but we both still love Jesus. Just because our lives look different doesn't mean that He's not involved with each of us individually.

Today I looked up the word "nun" to see if my life has anything in common with the term. says a nun is "A woman who belongs to a religious order or congregation devoted to active service or meditation, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience."

So let's break it down. A woman-Yep, that's true. Belongs to a religious order or congregation-I do belong to the Ring Community Church. Devoted to active service or meditation-I love serving people, but am intimidated by the word "devoted." Living under vows of poverty-Yeah, I'm pretty much broke all the time. Chastity-Never been kissed so I guess that fits in with the whole chastity vibe. Obedience-I do try my best to live my life obeying God.

Holy Crap. I'm a baptist nun.


Anonymous said...

We'll just call you Sistah Mary Allison! Oooh, oooh and I'll be the new girl "Sister Mary Clarence" from a convent in Vegas. No...I have no idea why those mobsters are shooting up our inner city church where we're preparing for an audience with the Pope.

Alli Miller said...

Do they have convents in Hawaii?

Lanie Dinecola said...

Hummm... did Jesus come down here and take a dump? Cause last time I checked... crap ain't holy.

Wayj said...

first of all, i noticed that you avoided the meditation part of the nun definition.

second of all, courtney, i award you one point.

Alli Miller said...

Lanie- I heart you in so many ways.

Tina- I'm glad you found the post funny. That was the point.

Jared- Oh my! I wish I could be as brilliant as you. Maybe I'll meditate on that.

And the point system? You're dating yourself...

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious allison! see you in the morning