May 16, 2006

Sandwiches with My Savior

Today just might be the perfect day. Well, weather wise anyway. It's about 79 degrees, a bit cloudy, but just enough where you can see blue skies through the puffy white marshmallow clouds floating by.

Its such a beautiful day that I decide to eat lunch outside on my hammock. In my cg last night we talked about silence and how much noise we have in our lives that sometimes drown out His voice, so I've been doing an experiment of sorts. Yeah, I'm a science nerd but it helps me relate, so there. I've turned off my radio, my ipod, and even my cell phone is on silent. All in an effort to see how much noise there is in my life. There's a lot actually. There's what I define as quality noise, work, church, friends, family, etc. Then there's stuff like TV, radio, movies, myspace, text messaging, and blogs, and while they are fun, they don't add to the quality of my life, they just add more stuff to my life.

The pockets of silence that I've found have been great for me and my heart. I've been so passionate about what's going on in the lives of my friends and whatnot, that I've not been able to spend time with Him in the process. And its frankly hurt my relationship with Him. I know better. I know that to be in a relationship, both of us have to be communicating in some way, and while He's talking, I'm off and about flitting around willy-nilly watching Him work in the lives of my friends.

Well, today we had a lunch date. I sat outside on my hammock, munched on a turkey sandwich, and told Him about my life. My birthday party, my job troubles, my family. The thing is that while I get the impression He loves hearing me lift my friends up, He also wants me to share the details about my life as well. I get self-conscious talking about me and sometimes I forget that I'm exactly what He wants to talk about.

1 comment:

nathan said...

I definitely have way too much noise in my life. I don't think that I've had a real quiet time in months and I hate that. I almost get anxious when things get too quiet and that hurts me cause I can't hear Him when He's trying to tell me something that I really need to hear.

Maybe I need to take a cue from the Allison playbook and cut out some clutter and make time for Him.